Sloka & Translation


[Description of the harem of Ravana.]

तस्यालयवरिष्ठस्य मध्ये विपुलमायतं।

ददर्श भवनश्रेष्ठं हनुमान्मारुतात्मजः।।5.9.1।।

मारुतात्मजः son of the Windgod, हनुमान् Hanuman, तस्य his, आलयवरिष्ठस्य of the main building, मध्ये in the centre, विपुलम् spacious, आयतम् huge, भवनश्रेष्ठम् excellent among mansions, ददर्श saw.

The son of the Windgod, Hanuman, saw a huge, spacious and excellent of all mansions in the centre of the palace.
अर्धयोजनविस्तीर्णमायतं योजनं हि तत्।

भवनं राक्षसेन्द्रस्य बहुप्रासादसङ्कुलम्।।5.9.2।।

राक्षसेन्द्रस्य of Indra among demons, तत् that, बहुप्रासादसङ्कुलम् of multitude of palaces, भवनम् mansion, अर्धयोजनविस्तीर्णम् width of half yojana, योजनम् yojana, आयतम् long.

The mansion of the lord of demons was a conglomeration of palaces half a yojana long and half a yojana wide.
मार्गमाणस्तु वैदेहीं सीतामायतलोचनाम्।

सर्वतः परिचक्राम हनूमानरिसूदनः।।5.9.3।।

अरिसूदनः subduer of enemies, हनुमान् Hanuman, वैदेहीम् Vaidehi, आयतलोचनाम् broadeyed, सीताम् for Sita, मार्गमाणः तु in search, सर्वतः all over, परिचक्राम went allround .

Hanuman, the subduer of enemies, went around in search of the largeeyed Vaidehi.
उत्तमं राक्षसावासं हनुमानवलोकयन्।

आससादाथ लक्ष्मीवान् राक्षसेन्द्रनिवेशनम्।।5.9.4।।

चतुर्विषाणैर्द्विरदैस्त्रिविषाणैस्तथैव च।

परिक्षिप्तमसम्बाधं रक्ष्यमाणमुदायुधैः।।5.9.5।।

अथ now, लक्ष्मीवान् endowed with brightness, हनुमान् Hanuman, उत्तमम् best, राक्षसावासम् residence of demons, चतुर्विषाणैः fourtusked, तथैव च and similarly, त्रिविषाणैः threetusked, द्विरदैः twotusked, परिक्षिप्तम् surrounded by, असम्बाधम् spacious, उदायुधैः holding weapons, रक्ष्यमाणम् guarded by, राक्षसेन्द्रनिवेशनम् home of the lord of the ogres, अवलोकयन् seeing, आससाद reached.

Searching the excellent residences of important demons, Hanuman finally reached the palace of the lord of ogres guarded by armed demons with elephants with two or three or four tusks.
राक्षसीभिश्च पत्नीभी रावणस्य निवेशनम्।

आहृताभिश्च विक्रम्य राजकन्याभिरावृतम्।।5.9.6।।

तन्नक्रमकराकीर्णं तिमिङ्गिलझषाकुलम्।

वायुवेगसमाधूतं पन्नगैरिव सागरम्।।5.9.7।।

रावणस्य Ravana's, पत्नीभिः with wives, राक्षसीभिः च by demonesses also, विक्रम्य by winning, आहृताभिः brought, राजकन्याभिः by princesses, आवृतम् surrounded, निवेशनम् palace, तत् नक्रमकराकीर्णम् filled with crocodiles and sharks, तिमिङ्गिलझषाकुलम् with whales and fish, वायुवेगसमाधूतम् shaken by the force of the wind, पन्नगैः with serpents, सागरम् इव like an ocean, तत् he saw.

Hanuman entered the palace of Ravana crowded with shedemons who were the wives of Ravana and the princesses brought by him after winning them in wars. To Hanuman, it looked like an ocean filled with crocodiles, sharks, whales, and a variety of fishes and snakes tossed by the force of the wind.
या हि वैश्रवणे लक्ष्मीर्या चेन्द्रे हरिवाहने।

सा रावणगृहे सर्वा नित्यमेवानपायिनी।।5.9.8।।

वैश्रवणे by Vaisravana, या whatever, लक्ष्मीः wealth हरिवाहने on greenish horse, the mount, इन्द्रे च of Indra, या as much, सा that, सर्वा everything, रावणगृहे in the residence of Ravana, नित्यमेव always, अनपायिनी present.

Whatever wealth was possessed by Vaisravana (Kubera, the son of sage Vishrava) and also Indra who rides the Ucchaisrava green horse, was there in the palace of Ravana.
या च राज्ञः कुबेरस्य यमस्य वरुणस्य च।

तादृशी तद्विशिष्टा वा ऋद्धी रक्षोगृहेष्विह।।5.9.9।।

राज्ञः of the king, कुबेरस्य Kubera's, या whatever, यमस्य Yama's, वरुणस्य Varuna's, च and, या whatever, तादृशी such, तद्विशिष्टा वा or more exquisite than, ऋद्धि: wealth इह here, रक्षोगृहेषु in the houses of demons.

The wealth stored in Ravana's palace was akin to what lay in the palaces of Kubera, Yama or Varuna, and ever more exquisite.
तस्य हर्म्यस्य मध्यस्थं वेश्म चान्यत्सुनिर्मितं।

बहुनिर्यूहसङ्कीर्णं ददर्श पवनात्मजः।।5.9.10।।

पवनात्मजः son of the Windgod, तस्य of that, हर्म्यस्य of the palace, मध्यस्थम् in the centre, सुनिर्मितम् well built, बहुनिर्यूहसङ्कीर्णम् a complex many houses, अन्यत् another, वेश्म home, ददर्श saw.

Hanuman saw in the centre of that palace a complex of many wellbuilt houses.
ब्रह्मणोऽर्थे कृतं दिव्यं दिवि यद्विश्वकर्मणा।

विमानं पुष्पकं नाम सर्वरत्नविभूषितम्।।5.9.11।।

परेण तपसा लेभे यत्कुबेरः पितामहात्।

कुबेरमोजसा जित्वा लेभे तद्राक्षसेश्वरः।।5.9.12।।

सर्वरत्नविभूषितम् decorated with all kinds of gems, पुष्पकं नाम called Pushpaka, यत् that, दिव्यम् wonderful, विमानम् aerial chariot, विश्वकर्मणा by Visvakarma, दिवि in the sky, ब्रह्मणः अर्थे for Brahma, कृतम् built, यत् the same one, कुबेरः Kubera, पितामहात् from grandfather the creator, परेण with supreme, तपसा by penance, लेभे got, तत् that, राक्षसेश्वरः lord of demons, ओजसा by his might, कुबेरम् Kubera, जित्वा after defeating, लेभे acquired.

There was a wonderful aerial chariot called Pushpaka embellished with all kinds of gems built by Visvakarma for Brahma. It was the same one that Kubera had won from his grandfather, the creator Brahma, through his supreme penance. The lord of ogres acquired it (as a memento for his victory) by defeating Kubera with his might.
ईहामृगसमायुक्त्तै: कार्तस्वरहिरमण्मयैः।

सुकृतैराचितं स्तम्भैः प्रदीप्तमिव च श्रिया।।5.9.13।।



ईहामृगसमायुक्तै: with images of wolves carved, कार्तस्वरहिरण्मयैः made of Kartaswara and Hiranmaya, two types of gold, सुकृतैः finely built, स्तम्भैः with pillars, आचितम् supported, श्रिया lustrous, प्रदीप्तमिव as though blazing, मेरुमन्दरसङ्काशैः resembling mountain Meru and Mandara, अम्बरम् sky, उल्लिखद्भिरिव as though scraping, शुभाकारैः by auspicious, कूटागारैः with multitude of pleasurehouses, सर्वतः everywhere, समलङ्कृतम् decorated.

It was supported by finely built pillars of two types of gold (Kartaswara and Hiranmaya) with images of wolves carved on them and blazing. It was tall as if scraping the sky and resembled mountains like Meru and Mandara. It was graced with multitudes of auspicious and decorated pleasurehouses everywhere.
ज्वलनार्कप्रतीकाशं सुकृतं विश्वकर्मणा।

हेमसोपानसंयुक्तं चारुप्रवरवेदिकम्।।5.9.15।।

विश्वकर्मणा by Visvakarma, सुकृतम् well built, ज्वलनार्कप्रतीकाशम् glowing like fire and the Sun, हेमसोपानसंयुक्तम् had stairways of gold, चारुप्रवरवेदिकम् had beautiful paltforms.

It was well built by Visvakarma and and had golden stairways, with radiant platforms glowing like fire and Sun.
जालवातायनैर्युक्तं काञ्चनैः स्स्फाटिकैरपि।


काञ्चनैः with gold, स्फाटिकैरपि with crystal also, जालवातायनैः by latticed windows, युक्तम् endowed, इन्द्रनीलमहानीलमणिप्रवरवेदिकम् platforms encrusted with saphires called Indraneela and Mahaneela.

It had latticed windows made of gold inlaid with crystals. The platforms were encrusted with saphires called Indraneela and Mahaneela appropriately.
विद्रुमेण विचित्रेण मणिभिश्च महाघनैः।

निस्तुलाभिश्च मुक्ताभिस्तलेनाभिविराजितम्।।5.9.17।।

विचित्रेण with colourful, विद्रुमेण with corals, महाघनैः by very precious, मणिभिश्च by gems even, निस्तुलाभिः with peerless (invaluable), मुक्ताभिः with pearls, तलेन on the surface, अभिविराजितम् shining very brightly.

It was shining bright with colourful corals, precious gems and peerless pearls fixed on its floor.
चन्दनेन च रक्तेन तपनीयनिभेन च।

सुपुण्यगन्धिना युक्तमादित्यतरुणोपमम्।।5.9.18।।

रक्तेन in red, तपनीयनिभेन च comparable to pure and polished gold, सुपुण्यगन्धिना with sweet fragrance, चन्दनेन with sandal, युक्तम् endowed, आदित्यतरुणोपमम् like the rising Sun.

It was bright like molten gold, fragrant with red sandal comparable to the rising Sun.

विमानं पुष्पकं दिव्यमारुरोह महाकपिः।।5.9.19।।

महाकपिः Hanuman, वराकारैः of excellent appearance, कूटागारैः with many corridors, समलङ्कृतम् decorated, दिव्यम् wonderful, पुष्पकं विमानम् Pushpaka chariot, आरुरोह ascended.

Hanuman ascended the wonderful Pushpaka, welldecked with many corridors.
तत्रस्थस्स तदा गन्धं पानभक्ष्यान्नसम्भवम्।

दिव्यं सम्मूर्छितं जिघ्रद्रूपवन्तमिवानिलम्।।5.9.20।।

स: he, तदा then, तत्रस्थः present there, पानभक्ष्यान्नसम्भवम् rising from drinks and food, दिव्यम् divine, सम्मूर्छितम् stupefying, रूपवन्तम् having a solid form, आनिलमिव like wind, गन्धम् fragrance, जिघ्रत् smelt.

There he smelt the stupefying, unearthly odour of food and drink. He felt as though the fragrance had taken a potentially solid form.
(Note: The wind has no form. But when he carried the aroma of food and drink it appeared like the personification of wind which could be smelt. गन्धवती पृथवी fragrance comes from earth पृथवीतत्त्व the poet transmits the same to the wind who has got only स्पर्श sense of touch).
स गन्धस्तं महासत्त्वं बन्धुर्बन्धुमिवोत्तमम्।

इत एहीत्युवाचेन तत्र यत्र स रावणः।।5.9.21।।

स: गन्धः that fragrance, महासत्त्वम् mighty, तम् him (Hanuman), उत्तमम् great, बन्धुम् relative, बन्धुरिव like a relative, सः रावणः that Ravana, यत्र wherever, तत्र there, इतः एहि come here, इति thus, उवाच इव as if told.

The fragrance was as if inviting the mighty hero like a relative inviting his kith and kin, saying 'come here' and leading him to a place where Ravana rested.
ततस्तां प्रस्थितश्शालां ददर्श महतीं शुभाम्।

रावणस्य मनः कान्तां कान्तामिव वरस्त्रियम्।।5.9.22।।

ततः then, प्रस्थितः he started, कान्ताम् beloved, वरस्त्रियमिव like his chief queen, रावणस्य Ravana's, मनः कान्ताम् dear his to heart, शुभाम् auspicious, महतीम् great, शालाम् hall, ददर्श saw.

Then he proceeded to an auspicious hall, which was Ravana's favourite like his chief queen dear to his heart.
मणिसोपानविकृतां हेमजालविभूषिताम्।

स्फाटिकैरावृततलां दन्तान्तरितरूपिकाम्।।5.9.23।।

मणिसोपानाविकृताम् staircase inlaid with special gems, हेमजालविभूषिताम् latticed with gold, स्फाटिकैः with crystals, आवृततलाम् floors covered with, दन्तान्तरितरूपिकाम् inlaid with silver set in ivory frame.

The stairways of the mansion were inlaid with special gems, windows were latticed with gold, floors were covered with crystals, figures of ivory with silver.
मुक्ताभिश्च प्रवालैश्च रूप्यचामीकरैरपि।

विभूषितां मणिस्तम्भैस्सुबहुस्तम्भभूषिताम्।।5.9.24।।

मुक्ताभिश्च with pearls, प्रवालैश्च with corals also, रूप्यचामीकरैरपि with silver and gold, मणिस्तम्भैः with pillars inlaid with gems, विभूषिताम् ornamented, सुबहुस्तम्भभूषिताम् with pillars.

It was decorated with pillars of silver and gold inlaid with pearls and corals and gems.

स्तम्भै: पक्षैरिवात्युच्चैर्दिवं संप्रस्थितामिव।।5.9.25।।

नम्रैः bent, ऋजुभिः straight ones, अत्युच्चै: with very lofty, समन्तात् all over, सुविभूषितैः well decorated, स्तम्भैः with columns, अत्युच्छैः long, पक्षैः with wings, दिवम् heaven, सम्प्रस्थितामिव as if started to reach

It had highly ornamented pillars all over, some slightly bent and others straight. With lofty columns looking like wings it appeared as if the mansion had started on its journey to heaven.
महत्या कुथयास्तीर्णां पृथिवीलक्षणाङ्कया।

पृथिवीमिव विस्तीर्णां सराष्ट्रगृहमालिनीम्।।5.9.26।।

पृथिवीलक्षणाङ्कया with several murals of earth, महत्या with expansive, कुथया with a carpet, आस्तीर्णाम् covered, सराष्ट्रगृहमालिनीम् having the garland of places and houses drawn on it, विस्तीर्णाम् expansive, पृथिवीमिव like the earth itself.

The floor was covered with a wide carpet spread from wall to wall with designs of different murals of many places and houses drawn in a row (garland like). The big carpet appeared like the expanse of earth itself.
नादितां मत्तविहगैर्दिव्यगन्धाधिवासिताम्।

परार्ध्यास्तरणोपेतां रक्षोधिपनिषेविताम्।।5.9.27।।

मत्तविहगैः with birds in heat, नादिताम् resounding, दिव्यगन्धाधिवासिताम् scented with divine fragrance, परार्ध्यास्तरणोपेताम् laid with valuable tapestries, रक्षोधिपनिषेविताम् inhabitted by the
king of demons.

The mansion was resounding with the noise of birds singing in heat. It had wonderful fragrance. It was laid with exquisite tapestries and served as a dwelling place for the king of demons.
धूम्रामगरुधूपेन विमलां हंसपाण्डुराम्।

चित्रां पुष्पोपहारेण कल्माषीमिव सुप्रभाम्।।5.9.28।।

अगरुधूपेन with smoke of agaru, धूम्राम् smoky, विमलाम् pure white, हंसपाण्डुराम् white like swan, पुष्पोपहारेण due to offering of flowers, चित्राम् colourful, सुप्रभाम् shining, कल्माषीमिव like the wishfulfilling cow.

It was smoky with fumes of agaru incence though spotless like a swan. It was colourful and radiant like Kamadhenu, the wishfulfilling cow, because of the offering of flowers.
मनस्संह्लादजननीं वर्णस्यापि प्रसादिनीम्।

तां शोकनाशिनीं दिव्यां श्रियः सञ्जननीमिव।।5.9.29।।

मनः संह्लादजननीम् one which was soul ravishing, वर्णस्यापि with colour and complexion, प्रसादिनीम् pleasing, शोकनाशिनीम् banished sorrow, श्रियः of prosperity, सञ्जननीमिव like the source, दिव्याम् wonderful, ताम् it was.

(The mansion) was so full of effulgence and soul ravishing that it served as an adornment even to splendour. It looked as though it banished all sorrow and was a source of prosperity.
इन्द्रियाणीन्द्रियार्थैस्तु पञ्च पञ्चभिरुत्तमैः।

तर्पयामास मातेव तदा रावणपालिता।।5.9.30।।

रावणपालिता chamber of Ravana, तदा then, माता इव like a mother, उत्तमैः with excellent,
पञ्चभिः with the five, इन्द्रियार्थैः with objects of the senses, पञ्च five, इन्द्रियाणि sense organs, तर्पयामास satisfied.

The chamber of Ravana, like a mother, gratified all the five senses of Hanuman with proper objects of the senses.
स्वर्गोऽयं देवलोकोऽयमिन्द्रस्येयं पुरी भवेत्।

सिद्धिर्वेयं परा हि स्यादित्यमन्यत मारुतिः।।5.9.31।।

अयम् this, स्वर्गः heaven, अयम् this, देवलोकः world of gods, इयम् thus, इन्द्रस्य Indra's, पुरी city (of Amaravati), भवेत् may be, इयम् this one, परा supreme, सिद्धि: achievement, स्यात् may be, इति thus, मारुतिः Maruti, अमन्यत thought.

'This may be heaven or world of gods. It may be Amaravati, the abode of Indra or else it may be the supreme achievment (of the Creator), thought Maruti৷৷
प्रध्यायत इवापश्यत्प्रदीपांस्तत्र काञ्चनान्।

धूर्तानिव महाधूतैर्देवनेन पराजितान्।।5.9.32।।

महाधूर्तै: with expert gamblers, देवनेन by a game of dice, पराजिताम् defeated, धूर्तानिव like the gamblers, प्रध्यायत इव like one who is deep in thought, काञ्चनान् golden, प्रदीपान् lamps, आपश्यत् he saw.

Seeing the golden lamps that stood burning steadily, Hanuman thought they looked like gamblers in deep thought defeated by expert gamblers in a game of dice.
दीपानां च प्रकाशेन तेजसा रावणस्य च।

अर्चिर्भिर्भूषणानां च प्रदीप्तेत्यभ्यमन्यत।।5.9.33।।

दीपानाम् of the lamps, प्रकाशेन by the glow, रावणस्य Ravana's, तेजसा च and by his brightness, भूषणानाम् of ornaments, अर्चिर्भिः च by the glow spread there, प्रदीप्ता इति as if glowing like fire, अमन्यत he thought in his mind.

Hanuman fancied that the entire place was set ablaze with the glow of lamps, the lustre of Ravana and the brilliant glow of Ravana's ornaments (everything was shining).
ततोऽपश्यत्कुथाऽऽसीनं नानावरायम्बरस्रजम्।

सहस्रं वरनारीणां नानावेषविभूषितम्।।5.9.34।।

ततः then, कुथासीनम् seated on carpets, नानावर्णाम्बरस्रजम् wearing clothes and garlands of different colours, नानावेषविभूषितम् dressed various clothes, वरनारीणाम् of beautiful women, सहस्रम् thousand, अपश्यत् he saw.

He found thousands of beautiful women seated on carpets wearing different clothes and garlands and dressed in various attires.
परिवृत्तेऽर्धरात्रे तु पाननिद्रावशं गतम्।

क्रीडित्वोपरतं रात्रौ सुष्वाप बलवत्तदा।।5.9.35।।

रात्रौ at night, क्रीडित्वा having sported, उपरतम् wearied, पाननिद्रावशं गतम् succumbed to drinks and sleep, तदा then, अर्धरात्रे when midnight, परिवृत्ते rolled away, बलवत् compelled, सुष्वाप to sleep.

Drinking and sporting until midnight, they had dropped off to sleeptired.
तत्प्रसुप्तं विरुरुचे निश्शब्दान्तरभूषणम्।

निःशब्दहंसभ्रमरं यथा पद्मवनं महत्।।5.9.36।।

नि:शब्दान्तरभूषणम् the sounds of ornaments stilled, प्रसुप्तम् slept, तत् that, निःशब्दहंसभ्रमरम् like silent swans and bees, महत् great, पद्मवनं यथा resembling a forest of lotuses, विरुरुचे looked beautiful.

Fast asleep, sounds of their ornaments silenced, the young women looked like a large
bed of lotuses with swans and bees sitting calm without their usual noise.
तासां संवृतदन्तानि मीलिताक्षीणि मारुतिः।

अपश्यत्पद्मगन्धीनि वदनानि सुयोषिताम्।।5.9.37।।

मारुतिः son of the Windgod, तासां सुयोषिताम् of those wellbred young women, संवृतदन्तानि with teeth concealed, मीलिताक्षीणि closed eyes, पद्मगन्धीनि giving out smell of lotuses, वदनानि faces, अपश्यत् looked.

Hanuman looked at the faces of the wellbred young women with closed eyes and concealed teeth, fragrant like lotuses.
प्रबुद्धानीव पद्मानि तासां भूत्वा क्षपाक्षये।

पुनस्संवृतपत्राणि रात्राविव बभुस्तदा।।5.9.38।।

तासाम् of those women, क्षपाक्षये at the end of night, प्रबुद्धानि from early morning, पद्मानीव like lotuses, भूत्वा having been, पुनः again, रात्रौ at night, संवृतपत्राणिव closing up their petals, तदा then, बभुः looked.

The faces of the women looked like blooming lotuses at daybreak, their petals closed up again at night.
इमानि मुखपद्मानि नियतं मत्तषट्पदाः।

अम्बुजानीव फुल्लानि प्रार्थयन्ति पुनः पुनः।।5.9.39।।

मत्तषट्पदाः intoxicated bees, इमानि these, मुखपद्मानि lotuslike faces, फुल्लानि bloomed, अम्बुजानीव like lotuses, पुनः पुनः again and again, नियतम् always, प्रार्थयन्ति desire.

The intoxicated bees would again and again long to enjoy these beautiful faces which were like blooming lotuses.
इति चामन्यत श्रीमानुपपत्त्या महाकपिः।

मेने हि गुणतस्तानि समानि सलिलोद्भवैः।।5.9.40।।

श्रीमान् the illustrious, महाकपिः great monkey, उपपत्त्या ascertained to be true, इति thus, अमन्यत felt, तानि those, गुणतः by their qualities, सलिलोद्भवैः with waterborn lotuses, समानि similar मेने हि he thought.

The illustrious Hanuman felt it to be correct to compare those faces with lotuses for their fragrance.
सा तस्य शुशुभे शाला ताभिस्त्रीभिर्विराजिता।

शारदीव प्रसन्ना द्यौस्ताराभिरभिशोभिता।।5.9.41।।

तस्य his (Ravana's), सा शाला that mansion, ताभिः स्त्रीभिः by the women, विराजिता shone, ताराभिः with stars, अभिशोभिता very endearing, प्रसन्ना pleasant, शारदी autumnal, द्यौः इव sky like, शुशुभे seemed.

Brightened by (the beauty of) the maidens, the mansion shone like the autumnal sky endearing and pleasing with stars.
स च ताभिः परिवृतश्शुशुभे राक्षसाधिपः।

यथा ह्युडुपतिश्शीमांस्ताराभिरभिसंवृतः।।5.9.42।।

ताभिः with them, परिवृतः surrounded, सः राक्षसाधिपः the lord of demons, ताराभिः with stars, अभिसंवृतः encircled, श्रीमान् beautiful, उडुपतिः यथा like the Moon, शुशुभे shone.

The lord of demons surrounded by women shone like the beautiful Moon encircled by stars.
याश्च्यवन्तेऽम्बरात्ताराः पुण्यशेषसमावृताः।

इमास्तास्सङ्गताः कृत्स्ना इति मेने हरिस्तदा।।5.9.43।।

याः those, ताराः stars, पुण्यशेषसमावृताः with left over merits, अम्बरात् from the sky, च्यवन्ते fallen, ताः those, कृत्स्नाः entirely, इमाः these women, सङ्गताः collected together, इति thus, तदा then, हरिः the monkey, मेने thought.

Seeing those women lying together Hanuman imagined them to be numerous meteors dropped from heaven after enjoying their merits, enjoyed and exhausted.
ताराणामिव सुव्यक्तं महतीनां शुभार्चिषाम्।

प्रभावर्णप्रसादाश्च विरेजुस्तत्र योषिताम्।।5.9.44।।

तत्र there, योषिताम् of the young women, प्रभावर्णप्रसादाश्च lustre and grace, शुभार्चिषाम् releasing auspicious glow, महतीनाम् of the great, ताराणामिव like the stars, सुव्यक्तम् clearly, विरेजुः looked brilliant.

It was clear that the grace and lustre of those women looked brilliant like the lustre and grace of brilliant stars releasing an auspicious glow.

पानव्यायामकालेषु निद्रापहृतचेतसः।।5.9.45।।

पानव्यायामकालेषु drinking and sexual exercise, व्यावृत्तगुरुपीनस्रक्प्रकीर्णवरभूषणाः jewels scattered and garlands displaced, निद्रापहृतचेतसः minds dazed in slumber.

Garlands displaced and jewels scattered, they were drowsy due to drink and sexual exercise.
व्यावृत्ततिलकाः काश्चित्काश्चिदुद्भ्रन्तनूपुराः।

पार्श्वे गलितहाराश्च काश्चित्परमयोषितः।।5.9.46।।

कश्चित् a few, परमयोषितः other women, व्यावृत्ततिलकाः had vermilion mark (on the forehead) smudged, काश्चित् and a few, उद्भ्रान्तनूपुराः anklets let loose, काश्चित् a few, पार्श्वे on one
side, गलितहाराश्च neckalces dislodged.

A few young women had their circular vermilion mark (on the forehead) smudged, some had their anklets loosened and a few had their necklaces.
मुक्ताहाराऽवृताश्चान्याः काश्चिद्विस्रस्तवाससः।

व्याविद्धरशनादामाः किशोर्य इव वाहिताः।।5.9.47।।

अन्याः others, मुक्ताहारावृताः had broken pearl strings on girdle, काश्चित् some, विस्रस्तवाससः had their clothes slipped off, व्यावद्धिरशनादामाः waist belts snapped, वाहिताः fallen to rest, किशोर्यः इव like young mares.

Some had their strings of pearl broken, others had their clothes slipped off, and some had their waist belts snapped. They were like young mares fallen to rest after carrying heavy loads.
सुकुण्डलधराश्चान्या विच्छिन्नमृदितस्रजः।

गजेन्द्रमृदिताः फुल्ला लता इव महावने।।5.9.48।।

सुकुण्डलधराः good eartops, अन्याः others, विच्छिन्नमृदितस्रजः with broken and crushed flower garlands, महावने in the dense forest, गजेन्द्रमृदिताः crushed by mighty elephants, फुल्लाः blooming, लताः इव like creepers.

With their good eartops broken and flower garlands crushed some looked like blooming creepers in a dense forest crushed by mighty elephants.
चन्द्रांशुकिरणाभाश्च हाराः कासांचिदुत्कटाः।

हंसा इव बभुस्सुप्ताः स्तनमध्येषु योषिताम्।।5.9.49।।

कासांचित् some, योषिताम् of young women, स्तनमध्येषु between their breasts, उत्कटाः large, चन्द्रांशुकिरणाभाश्च resembling the rays of the Moon, हाराः chains, सुप्ताः sleeping, हंसाः इव like the swans, बभुः appeared.

The pearl chains, large and shining like rays of the Moon in the space between the breasts looked like sleeping swans.
अपरासां च वैडूर्याः कादम्बा इव पक्षिणः।

हेमसूत्राणि चान्यासां चक्रवाका इवाभवन्।।5.9.50।।

परासां च and for some, वैडूर्याः vaidurya, कादम्बाः kadamba, पक्षिणः इव like birds, अन्यासाम् of others, हेमसूत्राणि golden chains ,चक्रवाकाः इव like ruddy geese, अभवन् seemed.

The vaidurya worn by women (on the breasts) looked like Kadamba birds while the golden chains put on by some others appeared like ruddy geese.

आपगा इव ता रेजुर्जघनैः पुलिनैरिव।।5.9.51।।

पुलिनैरिव like river banks, जघनैः with hips, ताः those women, हंसकारण्डवाकीर्णाः crowded with swans and Karandava birds, चक्रवाकोपशोभिताः abounded with ruddy geese, आपगा इव like rivers, रेजुः were shining.

Their hips were like river banks crowded with swans, karandava and Chakravaka birds shining like rivers.
किङ्किणीजालसङ्कोशास्ता हैमविपुलाम्बुजाः।

भावग्राहा यशस्तीराः सुप्ता नद्य इवाऽऽबभुः।।5.9.52।।

किङ्किणीजालसङ्कोशाः tiny bells tied round the waist looking like buds, हैमविपुलाम्बुजाः bold golden ornaments looking like lotuses, भावग्राहाः their amorous gestures of love play like crocodiles, यशस्तीराः radiant beauty of silver banks, सुप्ताः sleeping, नद्यः इव resembled rivers, आबभुः appeared.

With their tiny bells round their girdle looking like buds, the bold golden ornaments
like lotuses, their gestures of love like crocodiles and their radiant beauty like silver banks, the women looked like smoky rivers.
मृदुष्वङ्गेषु कासाञ्चित्कुचाग्रेषु च संस्थिताः।

बभुर्वर्भूषणानीव शुभा भूषणराजयः।।5.9.53।।

कासांचित् for some women, मृदुषु on their tender, अङ्गेषु limbs, कुचाग्रेषु च and on the nipples of breasts, संस्थिताः set, शुभाः beautiful, भूषणराजयः collections of ornaments, भूषणानीव like ornaments, बभूवुः appeared.

The beautiful imprints made by the (heavy) ornaments on the tender limbs, breasts and nipples of some women appeared like many ornaments.
अंशुकान्ताश्च कासाञ्चिन्मुखमारुतकम्पिताः।

उपर्युपरि वक्त्राणां व्याधूयन्ते पुनः पुनः।।5.9.54।।

कासाञ्चित् for some, मुखमारुतकम्पिताः shaken by the breath released by their mouth, अंशुकान्ताश्च the fringes of garments, वक्त्राणाम् on their faces, उपर्युपरि drawn, पुनः पुनः again and again, व्याधूयन्ते fluttered.

Shaken by the breath released from their mouths the fringes of the garments of some women were drawn towards their faces again and againfluttering.
ताः पताका इवोद्धूताः पत्नीनां रुचिरप्रभाः।

नानावर्णसुवर्णानां वक्त्रमूलेषु रेजिरे।।5.9.55।।

नानावर्णसुवर्णानाम् of the women of different beautiful hues, पत्नीनाम् of the wives, वक्त्रमूलेषु on the edges of their faces, ताः those, रुचिरप्रभाः with beautiful glow, उध्दूताः raised, पताकाः इव like flags, रेजिरे shone.

The fringes of their garments glowing beautifully close to the faces of the wives (of Ravana) with different beautiful hues, shone splendid like flags.
ववल्गुश्चात्र कासांचित्कुण्डलानि शुभार्चिषाम्।

मुखमारुतसंसर्गान्मन्दं मन्दं सुयोषिताम्।।5.9.56।।

शुभार्चिषाम् with auspicious radiance, कासाञ्चित् for some, योषिताम् women, कुण्डलानि eartops, अत्र here,मुखमारुतसंसर्गात् by the touch of their breath, मन्दं मन्दम् softly and gently, ववल्गुश्च mild sound of vibration.

The eartops of some women endowed with auspicious charm were swinging softly generating a gentle sound by the touch of their breath.
शर्कराऽसवगन्धैश्च प्रकृत्या सुरभिः सुखः।

तासां वदननिश्वासस्सिषेवे रावणं तदा।।5.9.57।।

तदा then, प्रकृत्या natural, शर्करासवगन्धैश्च the sweet smell of wine (made from sugarcane juice), सुरभिः fragrant, सुखः happy, तासाम् their, वदननिश्वासः breath from their mouth, रावणम् Ravana, सिषेवे served.

The sweet smell of wine emitted from their mouth and the natural fragrance of their breath was refreshing to Ravana as if it was serving him at that time.
रावणाननशङ्काश्च काश्चिद्रावणयोषितः।

मुखानि स्म सपत्नीनामुपाजिघ्रन्पुनः पुनः।।5.9.58।।

काश्चित् some, रावणयोषितः Ravana's wives, रावणाननशङ्काश्च assuming it to be Ravana's face, पुनः पुनः again and again, सपत्नीनाम् of their cowives, मुखानि mouths, उपाजिघ्रन् smelt.

Some women of Ravana (overcome by blind passion) smelt again and again the mouths of their cowives next to them assuming it to be Ravana's.
अत्यर्थं सक्तमनसो रावणे ता वरस्त्रियः।

अस्वतन्त्राः सपत्नीनां प्रियमेवाऽचरंस्तदा।।5.9.59।।

रावणे at Ravana, अत्यर्थम् therefore, सक्तमनसः devoted to (Ravana), वरस्त्रियः beautiful women, अस्वतन्त्राः having no freedom, तदा then, सपत्नीनाम् of their cowives, प्रियमेव pleasing , आचरन् did.

Even though the beautiful wives (should have been angry with their cowives for smelling their mouths) they behaved pleasingly, having no freedom to act with Ravana
बाहूनुपनिधायान्याः पारिहार्यविभूषितान्।

अंशुकानि च रम्याणि प्रमदास्तत्र शिश्यिरे।।5.9.60।।

अन्याः others, प्रमदाः women, पारिहार्यविभूषितान् laying aside their adornments, बाहून् arms, रम्याणि beautiful, अंशुकानि garment, उपनिधाय placing, तत्र there, शिश्यिरे slept.

Some women slept pillowed on their arms, laying aside their adornments and others had their garment under the head as pillows and lay in sleep.
अन्या वक्षसि चान्यस्यास्तस्याः काचित्पुनर्भुजम्।

अपरा त्वङ्कमन्यस्यास्तस्याश्चाप्यपरा भुजौ।।5.9.61।।

अन्याः some women, अन्यस्याः on the other women's, वक्षसि on the chest, काचित् पुनः another again, तस्याः her, भुजम् arms अपरा तु another, अन्यस्याः on the others, अङ्कम् lap, अपरा another, तस्याः her, भुजौ on the arms.

Some women lay placing their arms on the breasts of the other while their own arms were used as pillow by another. One woman placed her head on the lap of the other and slept.
ऊरुपार्श्वकटीपृष्ठमन्योन्यस्य समाश्रिताः।

परस्परनिविष्टाङ्ग्यो मदस्नेहवशानुगाः।।5.9.62।।

मदस्नेहवशानुगाः given to intoxication and love, अन्योन्यस्य with one another, ऊरुपार्श्वकटीपृष्ठम् on thighs, side, hips and back on the lap of the other, समाश्रिताः had slept, परस्परनिविष्टाङ्ग्यः lay intertwined, one on the other.

Given to intoxication and sex, the women slept touching one another's thighs, sides, hips, back and lap of the other, with their limbs intertwined.
अन्योन्यभुजसूत्रेण स्त्रीमाला ग्रथिता हि सा।

मालेव ग्रथिता सूत्रे शुशुभे मत्तषट्पदा।।5.9.63।।

अन्योन्यभुजसूत्रेण shoulders of one another, ग्रथिता knit, सा that, स्त्रीमाला chain of women, सूत्रे in a thread, ग्रथिता intertwined, मत्तषट्पदा with drunken bees resting on it, मालेव like garland of flowers, शुशुभे shone.

Knit with the shoulders of one another like a garland of flowers intertwined with the tipsy bees resting the women shone.
लतानां माधवे मासि फुल्लानां वायुसेवनात्।

अन्योन्य मालाग्रथितं संसक्तकुसुमोच्चयम्।।5.9.64।।


आसीद्वनमिवोद्धूतं स्त्रीवनं रावणस्य तत्।।5.9.65।।

अन्योन्यमालाग्रथितम् linked to each other like a chain, संसक्तकुसुमोच्छयम् flowers in a string, व्यतिवेष्टितसुस्कन्धम् tangled together with strong joints, अन्योन्यभ्रमराकुलम् with bees swarming, रावणस्य Ravana's, तत् that, स्त्रीवनम् a garden of women, माधवे मासि in the month of spring, वायुसंसेवनात् by the blowing of the wind, फुल्लानाम् of the blooms, लतानाम् of the creepers, अन्योन्यमालाग्रथितम् one to one linked like a garland, अन्योन्यभ्रमराकुलम् like the swarm of bees, उद्धूतम् shaken, वनमिव like thickets, आसीत् appeared.

The women of Ravana appeared like a garden in spring. They were as if a cluster of
creepers blossomed in spring due to the caresses of the breeze. They were knit together as one string forming a garland, flowers of one creeper striking the other. The joints of these creepers had grown strong when tangled together. Shaken by the breeze, the bees resting on one creeper would go to the other.
उचितेष्वपि सुव्यक्तं न तासां योषितां तदा।

विवेकः शक्य आधातुं भूषणाङ्गाम्बरस्रजाम्।।5.9.66।।

तदा then, तासां योषिताम् of those women, भूषणाङ्गाम्बरस्रजाम् of ornaments, garments, limbs and garlands, विवेकः to distinguish, सुव्यक्तम् clearly, आधातुम् to place, उचितेष्वपि in right spots, न शक्यः not possible.

It was not possible to distinguish clearly between their jewels, limbs, garments and garlands and to place them in the right spots.
रावणे सुखसंविष्टे तास्त्रियो विविधप्रभाः।

ज्वलन्तः काञ्चना दीपाः प्रैक्षन्तानिमिषा इव।।5.9.67।।

रावणे when Ravana, सुखसंविष्टे was sleeping happily, विधप्रभाः gods of lights, ताः स्त्रियः those women, ज्वलन्तः glowing, काञ्चनाः दीपाः इव golden lampposts, अनिमिषाः without winking, प्रैक्षन्त इव gazed at him.

When Ravana was happily asleep, the gods of light burning on the gold lampposts gazed without winking as it were, at the women, whom they dare not gaze for fear of waking Ravana.
राजर्षिपितृदैत्यानां गन्धर्वाणां च योषितः।

राक्षसानां च याः कन्यास्तस्य कामवशं गताः।।5.9.68।।

राजर्षिपितृदैत्यानाम् of royal sages, ancestral gods and demons, गन्धर्वाणाम् of gandharvas, योषितः women, राक्षसानाम् of ogres, याः कन्याः those girls, तस्य his, कामवशम्गताः they were infatuated with him.

The women halled from the families of royal sages, ancestral deities, daityas and demons who were infatuated with him.
युद्धकामेन ताः सर्वा रावणेन हृताः स्त्रियः।

समदा मदनेनैव मोहिताः काश्चिदागताः।।5.9.69।।

सर्वाः all, ताः स्त्रियः those women, युद्धकामेन on account of his love for war, रावणेन by Ravana, हृताः kidnapped, समदाः passionate ones, काश्चित् a few, मदनेन by lust, मोहिताः एव deluded, आगताः came.

Many were brought by Ravana as captives of war and some came on their own deluded by lust.
न तत्र काचित्प्रमदा प्रसह्य वीर्योपपन्नेन गुणेन लब्धा।

न चान्यकामापि न चान्यपूर्वा विना वरार्हां जनकात्मजां ताम्।।5.9.70।।

वरार्हाम् revered, ताम् her, जनकात्मजां विना except Sita, तत्र there, काचित् प्रमदा any women, वीर्योपपन्नेन on account of his valour, प्रसह्य लब्धा obtained forcibly, न not, गुणेन by virtues, अन्यकामापि not in love with others, न च and not, अन्यपूर्वा च married by others earlier, न not.

Except Sita no other woman among them had been taken there by force. They were won only on account of his valour and virtues. None loved any one earlier and none was married to others.
न चाकुलीना न च हीनरूपा नादक्षिणा नानुपचारयुक्ता।

भार्याभवत्तस्य न हीनसत्त्वा न चापि कान्तस्य न कामनीया।।5.9.71।।

तस्य his, भार्या wife, अकुलीना lowbred, न च अभवत् did not become, हीनरूपा च without beauty, न not, अदक्षिणा unkind, न not, अनुपचारयुक्ता discourteous, न not, हीनसत्त्वा without strength, न not, कान्तस्य for the lover, न कामनीया च not loveable, न none.

None among them was born of a lowly family, nor lacked beauty, kindness, skill, strength or brightness. No one was not lovable to Ravana.
बभूव बुद्धिस्तु हरीश्वरस्य यदीदृशी राघवधर्मपत्नी।

इमा यथा राक्षसराजभार्याः सुजातमस्येति हि साधुबुद्धेः।।5.9.72।।

इमाः these, राक्षसराजभार्याः wives of the demon lord, यथा as, राघवधर्मपत्नी Rama's lawful wife, ईदृशी such a lady, अस्य his, सुजातम् born of good family, इति thus, साधुबुद्धेः of the wise, हरीश्वरस्य Hanuman's, बुद्धिस्तु thought also, बभूव was.

'If the lawful wife of Rama born of a good family can be allowed to remain with Rama in the same way as the consorts of the lord of demons, how fortunate it would be, thought the wise lord of monkeys'.
पुनश्च सोऽचिन्तयादात्तरूपो ध्रुवं विशिष्टा गुणतो हि सीता।

अथायमस्यां कृतवान्महात्मा लङ्केश्वरः कष्टमनार्यकर्म।।5.9.73।।

सः he, आत्तरूपः assuming his true form, पुनश्च once again, अचिन्तयत् he thought, सीता Sita, ध्रुवम् surely, गुणतः by her virtues, विशिष्टा distinguished one, अथ now, महात्मा great, अयं लङ्केश्वरः that lord of Lanka, अस्याम् in her case, अनार्यम् an unfit act not befitting a noble one, कृतवान् did, कष्टम् alas.

Hanuman once again assuming his true form said to himself, 'Sita is surely a virtuous lady superior to and more distinguished than them all. Alas, this lord of Lanka committed an ignoble, act (by abducting her).
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये सुन्दरकाण्डे नवमस्सर्गः।
Thus ends the ninth sarga of Sundarakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.