Sloka & Translation

[Sri Rama lands at the hermitage of sage Bharadwaja and gets to know from him the wellbeing of his mothers, Bharata and Shatrughna.]

पूर्णेचतुर्दशेवर्षेपञ्चम्यांलक्ष्मणाग्रजः ।

भरद्वाजाश्रमंप्राप्यववन्देनियतोमुनिम् ।।6.127.1।।

चतुर्दशे fourteenth day, वर्षे year, पूर्णे full moon, पञ्चम्याम् fifth day of the bright half of lunar month, लक्ष्मणाग्रजः Lakshmana's elder brother, भरद्वाजाश्रमम् Bharadwaja's hermitage, प्राप्य reached, नियतः subdued, मुनिम् sage, ववन्दे offered salutations

After the fourteenth year of exile, on the fifth day of the bright half of lunar month Sri Rama and Lakshmana reached Bharadwaja's hermitage. They bent their heads down (as a mark of respect) and offered salutations.
सोऽपृच्छदभिवाद्यैनंभरद्वाजंतपोधनम् ।

शृणोषिकच्चिद्भगवन्सुभिक्षानायमंपुरे ।।6.127.2।।

कच्चित्सयुक्तोभरतोजीवन्त्यपि च मातरः ।

भगवन् divine, सः he, एनम् having, तपोधनम् one who had asceticism for wealth, भरद्वाजम् Bharadwaja, अभिवाद्य greeted, अपृच्छत् enquired, पुरे city, सुभिक्षानामयम् good crops, शृणोषिकच्चित् heard indeed, सःभरतः that Bharata, युक्तःकच्चित् active, मातरः mothers, अपिजीवन्ति are doing well

Rama and Lakshmana having greeted sage Bharadwaja who had asceticism as his wealth, enquired, saying, "Have you heard that crops have been good, Bharata is active, and mothers are doing well in Ayodhya?"
एवमुक्तस्तुरामेणभरद्वाजोमहामुनिः ।।6.127.3।।

प्रत्युवाचरघुश्रेष्ठंस्मितपूर्वंप्रहृष्टवत् ।

रामेण by Rama, एवम् in that way, उक्तः spoken, महामुनिः great sage, भरद्वाजः Bharadwaja, प्रहृष्टवत् delighted, स्मितपूर्वम् smiling look, रघुश्रेष्ठम् supreme of Raghus, प्रत्युवाच replied

When Rama had spoken that way to the great sage, Bharadwaja was delighted and with a smiling look replied.
पङ्कदिग्धस्तुभरतोजटिलस्त्वांप्रतीक्षते ।।6.127.4।।

पादुकतेपुरस्कृत्यसर्वं च कुशलंगृहे ।

भरतः Bharata, पङ्कदिग्धःतु without attention to his body, जटिलः wearing matted locks, ते your, पादुके wooden sandals, पुरस्कृत्य placed in front, तावम् them, प्रतीक्षते expecting you, गृहे in the house, सर्वंच and all, कुशलम् are well

"Bharata is without attention to his body, wearing matted locks, placing your wooden sandals in front expecting you in the house. All is well at Ayodhya."
त्वांपुराचीरवसनंप्रविशन्तंमहावनम् ।।6.127.5।।

स्त्रीतृतीयंच्युतंराज्याद्धर्मकामं च केवलम् ।

पदातिंत्यक्तसर्वस्वंपितुर्वचनकारिणम् ।।6.127.6।।

सर्वभोगैःपरित्यक्तंस्वर्गच्युतमिवामरम् ।

दृष्टातुकरुणापूर्वंममासीत्समितिञ्जयः ।।6.127.7।।

कैकेयीवचनेयुक्तंवन्यमूलफलाशिनम् ।

समितिञ्जयः one who is victorious in winning enemies, पुरा earlier, कैकेयीवचने Kaikeyi's words, युक्तम् intent, स्त्रीतृतीयम् three of you with Sita, राज्यात् from the kingdom, च्युतम् disinherited, केवलम् only, धर्मकामं च desiring only righteous, पदातिम् on foot, त्यक्तसर्वस्वम् giving up everything, पितुर्वचनकारिणम् on account of father's word, सर्वभोगैः all possessions, परित्यक्तम् giving up, स्वर्गच्युतम् giving up heaven, अमरम् इव like heaven, न्यमूलफलाशिनम् living on roots and fruits, चीरवसनम् clad in bark saree, महावनम् huge forest, प्रविशन्तम् entered, त्वाम् you, दृष्टवा seeing, पूर्वम् earlier, मम my, करुणा compassion, आसीत् arose

"Rama! You, who are victorious in winning enemies, have earlier on account of father's words, intent on following father's words, accepting Kaikeyi's words, went with Lakshmana and Sita, clad in bark clothes, giving up kingdom and all possessions, like heaven set out on foot and entered huge forest, living on roots and fruits of the forest. Seeing you, compassion arose in me."
साम्प्रतंतुसमृद्धार्थंसमित्रगणबान्धवम् ।।6.127.8।।

समीक्ष्यविजितारिं च समाभूप्रतीतिरुत्तमा ।

साम्प्रतंतुसमृद्धार्थम् having completed the task and won the enemies, समित्रगणबान्धवम् with relatives and friends, विजितारिं after successful completion, समीक्ष्य see you, मम to me, उत्तमा very, प्रीतिः happy, अभूत् overcome

"I am happy to see you coming to me, who have completed the task and won the enemies and after successful completion, you are meeting relatives and friends."
सर्वं च सुखदुःखंतेविदितंममराघव ।

यत्त्वयाविपुलंप्राप्तंजनस्थान्नवधादिकम् ।।6.127.9।।

राघव Raghava, जनस्थान्नव at Janasthana, धदिकम् sojourning, त्वया by you, विपुलम् abundance, यत् that which, सुखदुःखम् joy and sorrow, प्राप्तम् experienced, ते you, सर्वम् all, मम my, विदितम् is known

"Raghava, while you were sojourning at Janasthana, you experienced joy and sorrow abundantly all that is known to me."
ब्राह्मणार्थेनियुक्तस्यरक्षतःसर्वतापसान् ।

रावणेनहृताभार्याबभूवेयमनिता ।।6.127.10।।

ब्राह्मणार्थे brahmanas, नियुक्तस्य entrusted, सर्वतापसान् all ascetics, रक्षतः protecting, भार्या wife, अनिन्दिता irreproachable, इयम् this, रावणेन by Ravana, हृता abducted, बभूव known to me

"This irreproachable wife of yours was abducted by Ravana while you were engaged with the protection of all ascetics and entrusted with the care of brahmanas."
मारीचदर्शनंचैवसीतोन्मधनमेव च ।

कबन्धदर्शनंचैवसम्पाभिगमनंतथा ।।6.127.11।।

सुग्रीवेण च तेसख्यंयथावालीहतस्त्वया ।

मार्गणंचैववैदेह्याःकर्मवातात्मजस्य च ।।6.127.12।।

विदितायां च सीतायांनलसेतुर्यथाकृतः ।

यथाचादीपितालङ्काप्रहृष्टैर्हरियूथपैः ।।6.127.13।।

सपुत्रबान्दवामात्यःसबलःसहावाहनः ।

यथा च निहतःसंख्येरावणोबलदर्पितः ।।6.127.14।।

यथा च निहतेतस्मिन् रावणेदेवकण्टके ।

समागमश्चत्रिदशैर्यथादत्तश्चतेवरः ।।6.127.15।।

सर्वंममैतद्विदितंतपसाधर्मवत्सल ।

सम्पतन्ति च मेशिष्याःप्रवृत्ताख्याःपुरीमितः ।।6.127.16।।

धर्मवत्सल a lover of rightful duty, मारीचदर्शनंचैव seen Maricha, सीतोन्मधनमेव च searching for Sita, कबन्ददर्शनंचैव appearance of Kabhanda, तथा so also, पम्पाभिगमनम् going to Pampa, सुग्रीवेण with Sugriva, ते your, सख्यम् friendship, त्वया by you, वाली Vali, यथा so also, हतः killing, वैदेह्याः Vaidehi, मार्गणम् search for, वातात्मजस्य by the son of wind god, कर्म action, वैदेह्याम् Vaidehi, विदितायाम् finding, नलसेतुः Nalasethu bridge, यथा similarly, कृतः construction, प्रहृष्टैः delighted, हरियूथपैः monkey troops, लङ्का Lanka, यथा so also, अदीपिता set on fire, सपुत्रबान्दवामात्यः sons and relatives, सहवाहनः and vehicles, बलदर्पितः proud, रावणः Ravana, सङ्ख्ये army, यथा so also, निहतः killed, देवकण्डके thorn in the eyes of gods, तस्मिन् your, रावणे Ravana, निहते killing, त्रिदशैः Brahma, all gods, समागमः coming together, यथा like that, ते you, वरः च boon, यथा like that, दत्तश्च bestowing, एतत् all this, सर्वम् everything, मया by me, तपसा through the power of penance, विदितम् is known, प्रवृत्ताख्याः lover of virtues, मेशिष्याः my disciples, इतः here, पुरीम् city, सम्पतन्ति communicated

"O, you are a lover of rightful duty, seeing Maricha, searching Sita, appearance of Kabhanda, your going to Pampa, making friendship with Sugriva, killing of Vali, searching for Vaidehi, finding of Sita by the son of wind god, and his action, setting fire to Lanka, finding of Nalasethu, construction of bridge, delighted Vanaras, destruction of sons, relatives and vehicles of Ravana's army, killing of Ravana who was a thorn in the eyes of god, coming of Brahma and gods, bestowing a boon and all that is known to me by the power of my penance. My disciples in Ayodhya communicated to me."
अहमप्यद्यतेदद्मिवरंशस्त्रभृतांवर ।

अर्घ्यंप्रतिगृहाणेदमयोध्यांश्वोगमिष्यसि ।।6.127.17।।

शस्त्रभृताम् jewel among wielder of weapons, वर jewel, अद्य now, अहमपि I am also, ते to you, वरम् boon, दद्मि bestow, इदम् this, अर्घ्यम् water, प्रतिगृहाण after taking my blessings, श्वः you, अयोध्याम् to Ayodhya, गमिष्यसि proceed

"Jewel among the wielders of weapons! Now you take this water, and I shall bestow a boon to you. After taking my blessings you proceed to Ayodhya."
तस्यतच्छिरसावाक्यंप्रतिगृह्यनृपात्मजः ।

बाढमित्येवसम्हृष्टःश्रीमान्वरमयाचत ।।6.127.18।।

श्रीमान् glorious, नृपात्मजः son of emperor, सम्हृष्टः delighted, तस्य his, तत् that, वाक्यम् words, बाढम् इत्येव let you be auspicious, शिरसा bending head in reverence, प्रतिगृह्य taking, वरम् boon, अयाचतः requested

Glorious son of emperor obeying the words of Bharadwaja bending his head in reverence requested for that boon.
अकालफलिनोवृक्षास्सर्वेचापिमधुस्रवाः ।

फलान्यमृतगन्धीनिबहूनिविविधानि च ।।6.127.19।।

भवन्तुमार्गेभगवन्नयोध्यांप्रतिगच्छतः ।

भगवन् divine sage, सर्वेचापि all, वृक्षाः trees, अकालफलिनः unseasonal fruits, मधुस्रवाः sweet and juicy, भवन्तु you, अमृतगन्धीनि tasting like nectar, बहूनि many, विविधानि च several kinds, फलानि fruits, अयोध्यांप्रति in Ayodhya, गच्छतः proceeding, मार्गे way

"O divine sage! Let all the trees bear fruits out of season of several kinds of many sweet and juicy, tasting nectar appear on our way as we proceed to Ayodhya."
तथेति च प्रतिज्ञातेवचनात्समनन्तरम् ।।6.127.20।।

अभवन्पादपास्तत्रस्वर्गपादपसन्निभाः ।

तथेति be it so, प्रतिज्ञाते having promised, वचनात् words, समनन्तरम् on all sides, तत्र there, पादपाः trees, स्वर्गपादपसन्निभाः grew to be like heavenly trees, अभवन् became

When Bharadwaja promised saying, 'Be it so' and the trees on all sides grew like heavenly trees.
पुष्फलाःफलिनश्चासवनिपुष्पाःपुष्पशालिनः ।।6.127.21।।

शुष्कास्समग्रपत्रास्तेनगाश्चैवमधुस्रवाः ।

सर्वतोयोजनास्त्रिस्रोगच्छतामभवंस्तदा ।।6.127.22।।

तदा then, गच्छताम् proceeding, तिस्त्रः three, योजनाः yojanas, सर्वतः all sides, नगाः trees, निष्फलाः that did not have fruits, फलिनश्च started bearing fruits, विपुष्पाः which had no blossoms, पुष्पशालिनः full of blossoms, शुष्काः dried, समग्रपत्राश्च filled with leaves, मधुस्रवाः shed honey, अभवन् became

"Then while we were proceeding for three yojanas on all sides the trees that did not have fruits started bearing fruits, trees that did not have blossoms started having blossoms and the trees that dried up developed leaves and began to shed honey."
ततःप्रहृष्टाःप्लवगर्षभास्तेबहूनिदिव्यानिफलानिचैव ।

कामादुपाश्नन्तिसहस्रशस्तेमुदावनितास्स्वर्गजितोमुदेव ।।6.127.23।।

ततः then, तेप्लवगर्षभाः those bulls among vanaras, प्रहृष्टाः delighted, स्वर्गजितः as if won the heaven, मदेव thrilled, मुदा very happy, अवनिताः as they liked, बहूनि many, दिव्यानि wonderful, फलानि fruits, सहस्रशः in thousands, कामात् as per their desire, उपाश्नन्ति felt joyful

Then those bulls among Vanaras were delighted as though they were in heaven. Thrilled and very happy at the wonderful fruits, they enjoyed them as they liked as per their desire and felt joyful.
।। इत्यार्षेवाल्मीकीयेश्रीमद्रामायणेआदिकाव्येयुद्धकाण्डेसप्तविंशत्युत्तरशततमस्सर्गः ।।
This is the end of one hundred and twenty seventh sarga of Yuddha Kanda of the first epic the holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki.