
A new day dawned and Janaka told his chief priest Satananda, of his valiant brother Kushadwaja. He lived in the city of Sankasya where the waters of the river Ikshumati washed its walls and battlements, "I wish to see him and share my good fortune with him", said Janaka. He instructed competent riders, to take swift horses to bring back his brother the great Kushadhwaja. Reaching Mithila, Kushadhwaja paid obeisance to Satananda and Janaka and was seated on the throne. Janaka then asked his minister Sudamana, to bring that most venerable of kings, Dasaratha, along with Rama, Lakshmana and the royal retinue to his court. When all had assembled Dasaratha said that Vasishta with the approval of Visvamitra, would relate to them the order of his ancestry".

Vasishta the skilled orator, started by saying "From Brahman that most ancient one, was born Marichi, who begot Kasyapa, who in turn produced Vivasvatan, who had Manu. Ikshvaku the son of Manu, otherwise called Prajapati became Vaivasvata. Manu was formerly Prajapati.Ikshvaku was the first of the kings of Ayodhya. In line, then came Kukshi, Vikukshi, Bana, Anaranya, Pruthu, Trisanku, Pundumara, Mandata, Susandi, Dhruvasandhi, Bharata and Asita.

The hostile kings of Haihayas, Telanghas and Sasibindus, rose against Aista and exiled him from his kingdom.King Aista with his counselors reached Bhriguprasravana at which time both his queens were without child. The story goes that when one of them was pregnant, the other with the intent of destroying the embryo poisoned her. The queen who had been poisoned approached and paid obeisance to venerable sage Bhargava Chyavana, who was then residing in that region.He told her, that she would soon give birth to an auspicious and virtuous son of great valor and of glory"."Soon after a charming child was born and because it was born with poison, he came to be known as Sagara.From him came Asamanjasa and Anshuman. Then came Dilipa, Bhagiratha, Kakutstha, Raghu, and Pravriddha. Pravriddha begot Purushadaka who begot Shamkhana, whose son was Sudarshana and the line went on, with Agnivarna, Sighraga, Maru, Ambarish, Nahusha, Yayati, Nabhaga and Aja. From Aja was born Dasaratha and Dasaratha begot Rama and Lakshmana. This is the genealogy of the dynasty, a dynasty of great monarchs, full of virtue and valor. Their passion for truth and for righteousness is renowned. I now request you to give your two daughters in marriage to the two Ikshvaku princes".