

ततस्तेनैव शोकेन गृध्रं दग्ध्वा जटायुषम् ।।1.1.54।।

मार्गमाणो वने सीतां राक्षसं सन्ददर्श ह ।

कबन्धन्नाम रूपेण विकृतं घोरदर्शनम् ।।1.1.55।।


तेनैव शोकेन pervaded by that sorrow, तत: then, गृध्रं जटायुषम् vulture Jatayu, दग्ध्वा having consigned to flames, वने in the forest, सीताम् Sita, मार्गमाण: wandering in search of, रूपेण in form, विकृतम् deformed, घोरदर्शनम् dreadful appearance, कबन्धन्नाम named Kabandha, राक्षसम् rakshasa, सन्ददर्श ह beheld.

Then he performed in the midst of tears the funeral rites of the vulture Jatayu. Wandering in search of Sita, he beheld a rakshasa named Kabandha who was dreadful, in deformed in appearance.