
नीलवस्त्रधरो नील: पुरुषो ध्वस्तमूर्धज:।।1.58.10।।

चित्यमाल्यानुलेपश्च आयसाभरणोऽभवत्।


नीलवस्त्रधरो wearing black garment, नील: dark complexioned, परुष: dirty, ध्वस्तमूर्धज: dishevelled hair, चित्यमाल्यानुलेपश्च besmeared with ashes and wearing wreaths from the cemetery, आयसाभरण: wearing ornaments made of iron, अभवत् became.

The king was tranformed into a darkcomplexioned dirty man with dishevelled hair. His body was besmeared with ashes and on his robes lay wreath collected from the cemetery. He had on him dark (soiled) clothes, and ornaments made of iron.