
अथ मध्यमकक्ष्यायां समागच्छत्सुहृज्जनैः।

स सर्वानर्थिनो दृष्ट्वा समेत्य प्रतिनन्द्य च।।2.16.27।।

ततः पावकसङ्काशमारुरोह रथोत्तमम्।

वैयाघ्रं पुरुषव्याघ्रो राजतं राजनन्दनः।।2.16.28।।


अथ after that, पुरुषव्याघ्रः tiger among men, सः he, राजनन्दनः son of the king (Rama), मध्यमकक्ष्यायां in the middle courtyard, सुहृज्जनैः with friends, समागच्छत् met, सर्वान् अर्थिनः all of them eager to see him, दृष्ट्वा having seen, समेत्य having met, प्रतिनन्द्य च having greeted them, पावकसङ्काशम् resembling fire, वैयाघ्रम् covered with tigerskin, राजतम् made of silver, रथोत्तमम् best of chariots, आरुरोह mounted.

Rama, the best among men, met all his friends in the middle courtyard. Having seen them all eager to see him, he approached and greeted them. Thereafter, he mounted the best silver chariot covered with tigerskin and glowing like fire.