
गमिष्ये दण्डकारण्यं किमनेनासनेन मे।

विष्टरासनयोग्यो हि कालोऽयं मामुपस्थितः।।2.20.28।।


दण्डकारण्यम् to Dandaka forest, गमिष्ये setting forth, मे for me, अनेन आसनेन with this seat, किम् what is the purpose, विष्टरासनयोग्यः worthy of a mat made of kusa grass, अयम् this, कालः time, मम for me, उपस्थितः has come.

I am setting forth to Dandaka forest. What is this seat for? A time has come for me when I am fit for a seat of kusa grass.