
तेषामेवं विषण्णानां पीडितानामतीव च।

बाष्पविप्लुतनेत्राणां सशोकानां मुमूर्षया।।2.48.1।।

अनुगम्य निवृत्तानां रामं नगरवासिनाम्।

उद्गतानीव सत्वानि बभूवुरमनस्विनाम्।।2.48.2।।


एवं in this manner, विषण्णानाम् of dejected ones, अतीव deeply, पीडितानाम् distressed, बाष्पविप्लुतनेत्राणाम् of men with their eyes overflowing with tears, सशोकानाम् of those smitten with grief, मुमूर्षया desirng death, रामम् Rama, अनुगम्य having followed, निवृत्तानाम् of those who returned, अमनस्विनाम् of disinterested men, तेषाम् their, नगरवासिनाम् citizens', सत्वानि vital airs, उद्गतानीव were as if leaving the body.

The people afflicted with sorrow followed Rama and returned to the city deeply distressed. Eyes overflowing with tears, they longed for death. Smitten with grief, they lost their highmindedness and looked as if their life had been drained out.