
स्वं स्वं निलयमागम्य पुत्रदारैस्समावृता।

अश्रूणि मुमुचुस्सर्वे बाष्पेण पिहिताननाः।।2.48.3।।


सर्वे all of them, स्वं स्वम् their respective, निलयम् homes, आगम्य having reached, पुत्रदारैः with their sons and wives, समावृताः surrounded, बाष्पेण with tears, पिहिताननाः with their faces covered, अश्रूणि tears, मुमुचुः shed.

The subjects reached their respective homes and surrounded by their sons and wives broke down their faces flooded with tears.