
न चाहृष्यन् नचामोदन् वणिजो न प्रसारयन्।

न चाशोभन्त पण्यानि नापचन् गृहमेधिनः।।2.48.4।।


न अहृष्यन् च not rejoiced, न अमोदन् च not delighted, वणिजः traders, न प्रसारयन् did not offer for sale, पण्यानि च marketplaces also, न अशोभन्त did not look graceful, गृहमेधिनः householders, नापचन् did not cook.

The people had no joy in life nor did they find cheer in anything. The merchants did not offer their wares for sale. The marketplace looked graceless (lifeless). (The stocks were empty). The householders did not cook their food.