
अविदूरादयं नद्या बहुपुष्पप्रवालवान्।

सुमहानिङ्गुदीवृक्षो वसामोऽत्रैव सारथे।।2.50.28।।


सारथे O charioteer, नद्याः river's, अविदूरात् not far from, बहुपुष्पप्रवालवान् having many flowers and budding leaves, सुमहान् very large, अयम् this, इङ्गुदीवृक्षः Ingudi tree, अत्रैव here itself, वसामः shall stay.

O charioteer there is a very large ingudi (almond) tree not far from the river, luxuriant with flowers and budding leaves. We shall stay there tonight.