
ऋष्यमूकं गिरिवरं भार्याहरणदुःखितः।

प्रविष्टोऽस्मि दुराधर्षं वालिनः कारणान्तरे4.10.28।।


भार्याहरणदुःखितः tormented by the abduction of my wife, कारणान्तरे for some other reason, वालिनः for Vali, दुराधर्षम् inaccessible, गिरिवरम् great mountain, ऋष्यमूकम् Rishyamuka, प्रविष्टः अस्मि I have come.

'Tormented by the abduction of my wife by Vali, I came to the great Rishyamuka mountain inaccessible to Vali for some other reason.