
अश्मभिः प्रविभिन्नाङ्गः पादपैराहतो भृशम्।

रामबाणेन चाक्रान्तो जीवितान्ते मुमोह सः4.19.2।।


अश्मभिः with stones, प्रविभिन्नाङ्गः limbs battreed, पादपैः with trees, भृशम् very much, आहतः hit, रामबाणेन च by Rama's arrow, आक्रान्तः attacked, सः he, जीवितान्ते end of life, मुमोह lost consciousness.

Severely battered by stones, hit by trees and pierced by Rama's arrow, Vali lost consciousness as the end of his life was nearing.