
vimiśrā vihagāḥ pumbhirātmavyūhābhinanditāḥ.

bhṛṅgarājapramuditāssaumitrē! madhurasvanāḥ৷৷4.1.27৷৷


vihagāḥ female birds, pumbhiḥ male birds, vimiśrāḥ united with, ātmavyūhābhinanditāḥ praised by their flock, bhṛṅgarājapramuditāḥ enjoying the sounds of large black bees, madhurasvanāḥ singing sweetly.

'O Lakshmana! the female birds praised by their flocks, are united with their male partners. Enjoying the sweet sounds of large black bees, they are singing melodiously.