
yōjanānyāśramāttāta yāhi catvāri vai tataḥ৷৷3.11.38৷৷

dakṣiṇēna mahān śrīmānagastyabhrāturāśramaḥ.


tāta dear child!, āśramāt from this hermitage, catvāri yōjanāni four yojanas, (8 x 4 = 32 miles) yāhi you may go, tataḥ thereafter, dakṣiṇēna in southern direction, agastyabhrātuḥ Agastya of the brother of, mahān great, śrīmān beautiful, āśramaḥ hermitage.

Dear Rama, walk from here a distance of four yojanas. There in the southerly direction stands the great, beautiful hermitage of Agastya's brother.