Sloka & Translation

[Sugriva becomes perturbed seeing Rama and Lakshmana -- gives directions to Hanuman to find out their details]

तौ तु दृष्ट्वा महात्मानौ भ्रातरौ रामलक्ष्मणौ।

वरायुधधरौ वीरौ सुग्रीवश्शङ्कितोऽभवत्4.2.1।।

वरायुधधरौ wielders of best of weapons, वीरौ heroes, महात्मानौ great souls, भ्रातरौ the two brothers, तौ रामलक्ष्मणौ Rama and Lakshmana, दृष्ट्वा seeing, सुग्रीवः Sugriva, शङ्कितः doubtful, अभूत् became

On seeing the two great souls, heroic Rama and Lakshmana wielding the best of weapons, Sugriva was alarmed.
उद्विग्नहृदयस्सर्वा दिशस्समवलोकयन्।

न व्यतिष्ठत कस्मिंश्चिद्देशे वानरपुङ्गवः। 4.2.2।।

वानरपुङ्गवः best of vanaras, उद्विग्नहृदयः agitated at heart, सर्वाः all, दिशः directions, समवलोकयन् looked at, कस्मिंचशित् देशे at one place, न व्यतिष्ठत not able to stay

Agitated at heart, the best of vanaras started in all directions and could not settle down at one spot.
नैव चक्रे मनः स्थातुं वीक्षमाणो महाबलौ।

कपेः परमभीतस्य चित्तं व्यवससाद ह4.2.3।।

महाबलौ very strong persons, वीक्षमाणः beholding, स्थातुम् to be steady, मनः to his mind, नैव चक्रे did not, परमभीतस्य much frightened, कपेः monkey's, चित्तम् mind, व्यवससाद ह sunk

Beholding the two strong heroes, the monkey (Sugriva) was very much frightened. His
heart sank.
चिन्तयित्वा स धर्मात्मा विमृश्य गुरुलाघवम्।

सुग्रीवः परमोद्विग्नस्सर्वैरनुचरैस्सह4.2.4।।

धर्मात्मा righteous, सः सुग्रीवः Sugriva, चिन्तयित्वा reflecting, गुरुलाघवम् relative importance of consequences, विमृश्य analysed, सर्वैः with all, अनुचरैः सह with his followers, परमोद्विग्नः highly agitated

Righteous Sugriva, became highly agitated, deliberated with all his followers on the pros and cons of the situation.
ततस्स सचिवेभ्यस्तु सुग्रीवः प्लवगाधिपः।

शशंस परमोद्विग्नः पश्यंस्तौ रामलक्ष्मणौ4.2.5।।

ततः then, प्लवगाधिपः lord of monkeys, सः सुग्रीवः Sugriva, तौ रामलक्ष्मणौ both Rama and Lakshmana, पश्यन् seeing, परमोद्विग्नः extremely terrified, सचिवेभ्यः to his ministers, शशंस said

Sugriva, lord of monkeys, extremely agitated at the sight of both Rama and Lakshmana, spoke to his minister:
एतौ वनमिदं दुर्गं वालिप्रणिहितौ ध्रुवम्।

छद्मना चीरवसनौ प्रचरन्ताविहागतौ4.2.6।।

चीरवसनौ both wearing bark garments, छद्मना in cognito, दुर्गम् to a difficult place, इदं वनम् this forest, प्रचरन्तौ both wandering, एतौ these two, वालिप्रणिहितौ both sent by Vali, इह here, आगतौ have come, ध्रुवम् surely

ततस्सुग्रीवसचिवा दृष्ट्वा परमधन्विनौ।


ततः then, सुग्रीवसचिवाः Sugriva's counsellers, परमधन्विनौ supreme bowmen, दृष्ट्वा seeing, तस्मात् from that, गिरितटात् that mountain, उत्तमम् great, अन्यत् another, शिखरम् mountain peak, जग्मुः went

On seeing these supreme bowmen, Sugriva's counsellers left for the peak of another mountain.
ते क्षिप्रमधिगम्याथ यूथपा यूथपर्षभम्।

हरयो वानरश्रेष्ठं परिवार्योपतस्थिरे4.2.8।।

अथ then, यूथपाः leaders of troops, ते हरयः those monkeys, क्षिप्रम् quickly, अधिगम्य having reached, यूथपर्षभम् leaders of the group, वानरश्रेष्ठम् best of monkeys, परिवार्य having surrounded, उपतस्थिरे stood

The leaders of the monkey troops reached Sugriva, the lord of monkeys, in no time and stood surrounding him.
एकमेकायनगताः प्लवमाना गिरेर्गिरिम्।

प्रकम्पयन्तो वेगेन गिरीणां शिखराण्यपि4.2.9।।

एवम् in that manner, गिरेः from one mountain, गिरिम् to another mountain, प्लवमानाः jumping, वेगेन swiftly, गिरीणाम् of the mountains, शिखराणि अपि tops also, प्रकम्पयन्तः shaking, एकायनगताः one place.

Jumping from one mountain to another swiftly and shaking the mountain tops, the monkeys reached one spot.
ततश्शाखामृगास्सर्वे प्लवमाना महाबलाः।

बभञ्जुश्च नगांस्तत्र पुष्पितान्दुर्गसंश्रितान्4.2.10।।

ततः then, प्लवमानाः jumping, महाबलाः extremely strong, सर्वे all, शाखामृगाः monkeys, तत्र there, दुर्गम् संश्रितान् near hilly side, पुष्पितान् fully blossomed, नगान् trees, बभञ्जुः shattered

Then the mighty monkeys jumping on the trees in full bloom shook them.
आप्लवन्तो हरिवरास्सर्वतस्तं महागिरिम्।

मृगमार्जारशार्दूलांस्त्रासयन्तो ययुस्तदा4.2.11।।

हरिवराः the great monkeys, तम् them, महागिरिम् great mountain, सर्वतः all over, आप्लवन्तः jumping, तदा then, मृगमार्जारशार्दूलान् deer, wild cats and tigers, त्रासयन्तः scaring, ययुः went

The great monkeys went on leaping all over the great (Rishyamuka) mountain, scaring the deer, wildcats and tigers.
ततस्सुग्रीवसचिवाः पर्वतेन्द्रं समाश्रिताः।

सङ्गम्य कपिमुख्येन सर्वे प्राञ्जलय स्थिताः।।4.2.12।।

ततः thereafter, सर्वे all, सुग्रीवसचिवाः Sugriva's ministers, पर्वतेन्द्रं king of mountains (Rishyamuka), समाहिताः collected together, कपिमुख्येन with the chief of monkeys, सङ्गम्य after assembling, प्राञ्जलयः with folded palms in reverence, स्थिताः stood.

Thereafter, all the ministers of Sugriva assembled together on the king of mountains and stood (in front of Sugriva), with folded hands.
ततस्तं भयसंविग्नं वालिकिल्बिषशङ्कितम्।

उवाच हनुमान्वाक्यं सुग्रीवं वाक्यकोविदः4.2.13।।

ततः then, वाक्यकोविदः eloquent in speech, हनुमान् Hanuman, भयसंविग्नं shaken with fear, वालिकिल्बिषशङ्कितम् suspecting that Vali might have sent, सुग्रीवम् Sugriva, वाक्यम् these
words, उवाच spoke

Suspecting that Vali might have sent them (Rama and Lakshmana), Hanuman, skilful in communication, said to Sugriva who was trembling in fear:
सम्भ्रमस्त्यज्यतामेष सर्वैर्वालिकृते महान्।

मलयोऽयं गिरिवरो भयं नेहास्ति वालिनः4.2.14।।

सर्वैः by all, वालिकृते due to Vali, एषः this, महान् great, सम्भ्रमः agitation, त्यज्यताम् give up, अयम् this, गिरिवरः great mountain, मलयः Malaya, इह here, वालिनः from Vali, भयम् fear, नास्ति not there.

'This is a great mountain range of Malaya and there is no fear for Vali here. Give up this fear.
यस्मादुद्विग्नचेतास्त्वं प्रद्रुतो हरिपुङ्गव।

तं क्रूरदर्शनं क्रूरं नेह पश्यामि वालिनम्4.2.15।।

हरिपुङ्गव O chief of monkeys, त्वम् yourself, यस्मात् due to whom, उद्विग्नचेताः frightened at heart, प्रद्रुतः running, तम् him, क्रूरदर्शनम् cruel figure, क्रूरम् cruel one, वालिनम् Vali, इह here, न पश्यामि, not see

'O chief of monkeys I do not see here any sign of the cruel Vali, of whom you are afraid.
यस्मात्तव भयं सौम्य पूर्वजात्पापकर्मणः।

स नेह वाली दुष्टात्मा न ते पश्याम्यहं भयम्4.2.16।।

सौम्य O goodnatured, तव your, पापकर्मणः from the sinner, यस्मात् from whom, पूर्वजात् from elder brother, भयम् fear, सः he, दुष्टात्मा evilminded one, वाली Vali, इह here, न not, अहम् I, ते to you, भयम् fear, न पश्यामि I do not see

'O goodnatured Sugriva you are afraid of your elder brother Vali as he is evilminded and sinful. (But) I do not see any reason for you to be frightened as he is not found anywhere here.
अहो शाखामृगत्वं ते व्यक्तमेव प्लवङ्गम।

लघुचित्ततयाऽत्मानं न स्थापयसि यो मतौ4.2.17।।

अहो Oh, प्लवङ्गम monkey, यः whoever, लघुचित्ततया with low intellect, आत्मानम् oneself, मतौ in mind,न स्थापयसि cannot be steady, ते to you, शाखामृगत्वम् monkeynature, व्यक्तमेव is very clear.

'Oh monkey, whoever is lilylivered cannot be steady. It is evident that your very nature as a monkey makes you restless.
बुद्धिविज्ञानसम्पन्न इङ्गितैस्सर्वमाचर।

न ह्यबुद्धिं गतो राजा सर्वभूतानि शास्ति हि4.2.18।।

बुद्धिविज्ञानसम्पन्नः one endowed with intelligence and knowledge, इङ्गितैः by gestures, सर्वम् everything, आचर you may do, अबुद्धिम् lack of intellect , गतः reaches, राजा king, सर्वभूतानि all beings, न शास्ति हि cannot control

सुग्रीवस्तु शुभं वाक्यं श्रुत्वा सर्वं हनूमतः।

ततश्शुभतरं वाक्यं हनूमन्तमुवाच ह4.2.19।।

सुग्रीवस्तु Sugriva also, हनूमतः Hanuman, शुभम् auspicious, सर्वं वाक्यम् all words, श्रुत्वा having heard, ततः then, हनूमन्तम् of Hanumanta, शुभतरम् even more auspicious, वाक्यम् words, उवाच ह he spoke

Having heard the wise words of Hanuman, Sugriva addressed him with words more
दीर्घबाहू विशालाक्षौ शरचापासिधारिणौ।

कस्य न स्याद्भयं दृष्ट्वा ह्येतौ सुरसुतोपमौ4.2.20।।

दीर्घबाहू longarmed, विशालाक्षौ two largeeyed ones, शरचापासिधारिणौ two wielders of bow, arrows and sword, सुरसुतोपमौ both comparable to gods, एतौ they both, दृष्ट्वा after seeing, कस्य whose, भयम् fear, न स्यात् will not be created

'Who would not be apprehensive of these two longarmed and largeeyed individuals comparable to sons of gods wielding arrows, bows and swords.
वालिप्रणिहितावेतौ शङ्केऽहं पुरुषोत्तमौ।

राजानो बहुमित्राश्च विश्वासो नात्र हि क्षमः4.2.21।।

पुरुषोत्तमौ two excellent men, वालिप्रणिहितौ एतौ have been sent by Vali, अहम् I, शङ्के doubt, राजानः kings, बहुमित्राः they have many friends, अत्र here, विश्वासः trust, न क्षमः not proper

'I support these two excellent men might have been sent by Vali. Kings have many friends and so it may not be appropriate to trust any king.
अरयश्च मनुष्येण विज्ञेयाश्छद्मचारिणः।

विश्वस्तानामविश्वस्तारन्ध्रेषु प्रहरन्ति हि4.2.22।।

मनुष्येण by a man, छद्मचारिणः spies who move about in disguise, अरयः enemies, विज्ञेयाः they should be identified, अविश्वस्ताः who do not trust, विश्वस्तानाम् of the trusting men, रन्ध्रेषु when we are not vigilant प्रहरन्ति, हि will strike

'One has to identify these men roaming in disguise. These are not trustworthy and could even be our enemies, making us believe them so as to attack us when we are not vigilant.
कृत्येषु वाली मेधावी राजानो बहुदर्शिनः।

भवन्ति परहन्तारस्ते ज्ञेयाः प्राकृतैर्नरैः4.2.23।।

वाली Vali, कृत्येषु in his actions, मेधावी wise, बहुदर्शिनः they have great vision, राजानः kings, परहन्तारः they kill enemies, भवन्ति will be, प्राकृतैः by ordinary ones, नरैः by men, ते to you, ज्ञेयाः they should be known

'Vali is wise in his actions. Kings employ many strategies to annihilate their enemies. Our gullible individuals should be able to detect them.
तौ त्वया प्राकृतेनैव गत्वा ज्ञेयौ प्लवङ्गम।

इङ्गितानां प्रकारैश्च रूपव्याभाषणेन च4.2.24।।

प्लवङ्गम O Monkey, त्वया by you, प्राकृतेनैव by assuming an ordinary form, गत्वा going, तौ the two, इङ्गितानाम् their gestures, प्रकारैश्च by their traits, रूपव्याभाषणेन by their form and conversation, ज्ञेयौ should be found out

'O Hanuman assume an ordinary form and approach them. Try to read them through their gestures, traits, forms and conversations.
लक्षयस्व तयोर्भावं प्रहृष्टमनसौ यदि।

विश्वासयन्प्रशंसाभिरिङ्गितैश्च पुनः पुनः4.2.25।।

ममैवाभिमुखं स्थित्वा पृच्छ त्वं हरिपुङ्गव ।

प्रयोजनं प्रवेशस्य वनस्यास्य धनुर्धरौ4.2.26।।

हरिपुङ्गव O best of monkeys, तयोः of both, भावम् intention, लक्षयस्व goal, प्रहृष्टमनसौ if they are pleasing in that ways, प्रशंसाभिः by praising them, इङ्गितैश्च by their signs, पुनः पुनः again and again, विश्वासयन् creating confidence, मम me, अभिमुखमेव favourable way only, स्थित्वा after making sure, धनुर्धरौ the two wielders of bows, अस्य वनस्य in this forest, प्रवेशस्य of entrance, प्रयोजनम् purpose, त्वम् you, पृच्छ enquire

'O best of monkeys ascertain their purpose by praising them and studying their honest intentions. Gain the confidence of the wielders of bows and if you find them agreeable, enquire the purpose of their entering this forest.
शुद्धात्मानौ यदि त्वेतौ जानीहि त्वं प्लवङ्गम।

व्याभाषितैर्वा विज्ञेया स्याद्दुष्टाऽदुष्टता तयोः4.2.27।।

प्लवङ्गम O best of monkey एतौ they both, शुद्धात्मानौ यदि if they are found trust worthy you, जानीहि you may know, तयोः with them, दुष्टाऽदुष्टता evil minded or otherwise, व्याभाषितैः with their talk, वा or, विजेया should be found out

'O best of monkeys find out whether they are noble in their intentions or evil in their design through your conversation with them.'
इत्येवं कपिराजेन सन्दिष्टो मारुतात्मजः।

चकार गमने बुद्धिं यत्र तौ रामलक्ष्मणौ4.2.28।।

कपिराजेन by the king of monkeys, इत्येवम् in that manner, सन्दिष्टः having been instructed, मारुतात्मजः son of the windgod, तौ they both, रामलक्ष्मणौ Rama and Lakshmana, यत्र there, गमने to go, बुद्धिम् decision, चकार took

Instructed thus by the king of the monkeys, Hanuman, son of the Windgod, decided to meet both Rama and Lakshmana.
तथेति सम्पूज्य वचस्तु तस्य

तत्कपेस्सुभीमस्य दुरासदस्य च।

महानुभावो हनुमान्ययौ तदा

स यत्र रामोऽतिबलश्च लक्ष्मणः4.2.29।।

महानुभावः highly respected, कपिः monkey, हनुमान् Hanuman, दुरासदस्य not easily conquerable, भीमस्य powerful, तस्य his, वचः words, तथेति so be it, सम्पूज्य offering salutation, अतिबल mighty, लक्ष्मणः Lakshmana, सः राम that Rama, यत्र wherever, तदा then, ययौ went

Hanuman, the venerable, powerful and not easily conquerable monkey, honoured the words of the great Lord of the monkeys, offered salutations and said 'So be it'. And then proceeded towards the mighty Rama and Lakshmana.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे द्वितीयस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the second sarga of Kishkindakanda of the Holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by the sage Valmiki.