Sloka & Translation

[Hanuman goes in the guise of a pious mendicant to meet Rama and Lakshmana -- Rama wonders at Hanuman's knowledge -- Hanuman reveals his identity and the purpose of his meeting -- Rama agrees to see Sugriva]

वचो विज्ञाय हनुमान् सुग्रीवस्य महात्मनः।

पर्वतादृश्यमूकात्तु पुप्लुवे यत्र राघवौ।।4.3.1।।

हनुमान् Hanuman, महात्मनः great self, सुग्रीवस्य Sugriva's, वचः words, विज्ञाय listening, ऋष्यमूकात् पर्वतात् from mountain Rishyamuka, राघवौ both (Rama and Lakshmana), यत्र where, पुप्लुवे leapt

Listening to great Sugriva, Hanuman leaped from mount Rishyamuka on to the location of the Raghavas.
कपिरूपं परित्यज्य हनुमान्मारुतात्मजः।

भिक्षुरूपं ततो भेजे शठबुद्धितया कपिः4.3.2।।

ततः then, मारुतात्मजः son of the windgod, कपिः monkey, हनुमान् Hanuman, कपिरूपम् form of a monkey, परित्यज्य left, शठबुद्धितया with an ingenious mind, भिक्षुरूपम् guise of a mendicant, भेजे resorted and went

Hanuman, son of the Windgod, with an ingenious mind assumed the guise of a mendicant.
ततस्स हनुमान्वाचा श्लक्ष्णया सुमनोज्ञया।

विनीतवदुपागम्य राघवौ प्रणिपत्य च।।4.3.3।।

आबभाषे तदा वीरौ यथावत्प्रशशंस च।

ततः then, हनुमान् Hanuman, विनीतवत् in humility, राघवौ to the Raghavas, उपागम्य reached, प्रणिपत्य च offered reverential salutations, श्लक्ष्णया gentle, सुमनोज्ञया pleasing to the mind, वाचा words, आबभाषे spoke, तदा then, यथावत् duly, प्रशशंस च eulogised

Approaching the Raghavas in all humility, valiant Hanuman offered them reverential salutations and addressed them in gentle and pleasing words.
सम्पूज्य विधिवद्वीरौ हनुमान्मारुतात्मजः।

उवाच कामतो वाक्यं मृदु सत्यपराक्रमौ4.3.4।।

मारुतात्मजः son of the windgod, हनुमान् Hanuman, सत्यपराक्रमौ endowed with power of truth, वीरौ heroes, विधिवत् duly, सम्पूज्य offered salutations, कामतः feeling, मृदु very gently, वाक्यम् words, उवाच said

The valiant son of the Windgod, Hanuman offered those heroes whose power came from their sense of truth due respect and spoke to them in all gentleness:
राजर्षिदेवप्रतिमौ तापसौ संशितव्रतौ।

देशं कथमिमं प्राप्तौ भवन्तौ वरवर्णिनौ4.3.5।।

त्रासयन्तौ मृगगणानन्यांश्च वनचारिणः4.3.6।।

राजर्षिदेवप्रतिमौ comparable to royal sages and gods, संशितव्रतौ strict followers of vows, तापसौ ascetics, वरवर्णिनौ of fair complexion, भवन्तौ you are, मृगान् animals, अन्यान् other, वनचारिणश्च creatures roaming the forest, त्रासयन्तौ frightening them, इमं देशम् this place, कथम् how, प्राप्तौ come here?

'You both fair in complexion, resemble royal sages or gods. You appear like ascetics and pursue vows in austerity. How come, you are present here, as if to frighten the animals and other creatures roaming this forest?
पम्पातीररुहान्वृक्षान् वीक्षमाणौ समन्ततः।

इमां नदीं शुभजलां शोभयन्तौ तपस्विनौ4.3.7।।

धैर्यवन्तौ सुवर्णाभौ कौ युवां चीरवाससौ।

निःश्वसन्तौ वरभुजौ पीडयन्ताविमाः प्रजा:4.3.8।।

पम्पातीररुहान् वृक्षान् trees on the bank of Pampa, समन्ततः all over, वीक्षमाणौ looking at, शुभजलाम् auspicious water, इमाम् this, नदीम् river, शोभयन्तौ enhancing the beauty, तपस्विनौ ascetics, धैर्यवन्तौ courageous, सुवर्णाभौ of golden complexion, चीरवाससौ robed in bark, निःश्वसन्तौ sighing, वरभुजौ with handsome shoulders, इमाः these, प्रजाः creatures, पीडयन्तौ terrifying, युवाम् youth

'Gazing at the trees on the bank of Pampa, you both appear in brilliant complexion as if to enhance the beauty of the auspicious river water. Though young, courageous and with handsome shoulders, you seem to sigh in exhaustion. And though you look like ascetics robed in bark, you seem to terrify these creatures.
सिंहविप्रेक्षितौ वीरौ महाबलविक्रमौ।

शक्रचापनिभे चापे गृहीत्वा शत्रुसूदनौ4.3.9।।

श्रीमन्तौ रूपसम्पन्नौ वृषभश्रेष्ठविक्रमौ।

हस्तिहस्तोपमभुजौ द्युतिमन्तौ नरर्षभौ4.3.10।।

सिंहविप्रेक्षितौ have the gaze of lions, वीरौ heroes, महाबलविक्रमौ both mighty strong warriors, शक्रचापनिभे चापे bows resembling rainbow, हीत्वा holding, शत्रुसूदनौ destroyers of enemies, श्रीमन्तौ magnificient, रूपसम्पन्नौ very handsome, वृषभश्रेष्ठविक्रमौ endowed with the valour of excellent bulls, हस्तिहस्तोपमभुजौ shoulders like elephant trunks, द्युतिमन्तौ bright नरर्षभौ best among men

'Having the gaze of a lion, both of you are heroic in your stance. As each of you hold a bow resembling the rainbow, you seem to be mighty warriors eager to annihilate the enemies. With the valour of superior bulls and your shoulders resembling elephant's trunks, you look magnificent, handsome and brilliant. (No doubt,) you are the best among the humans.
प्रभया पर्वतेन्द्रोऽयं युवयोरवभासितः।

राज्यार्हावमरप्रख्यौ कथं देशमिहागतौ4.3.11।।

अयम this, पर्वतेन्द्रः lord of mountains, युवयोः young, प्रभया radiant, अवभासितः reflecting, राज्यार्हौ deserve to be sovereigns, अमरप्रख्यौ resembling gods, इह here, देशम् to this place, कथम् how, आगतौ come

'You are young and radiant like the gods. This king of mountains (Rishyamuka) dazzles with your brilliance. Although you deserve to be sovereigns, how is it that you are here (into the forest)?
पद्मपत्रेक्षणौ वीरौ जटामण्डलधारिणौ।

अन्योन्यसदृशौ वीरौ देवलोकादिवागतौ4.3.12।।

यदृच्छयेव सम्प्राप्तौ चन्द्रसूर्यौ वसुन्धराम्।

विशालवक्षसौ वीरौ मानुषौ देवरूपिणौ4.3.13।।

सिंहस्कन्धौ महोत्साहौ समदाविव गोवृषौ।

पद्मपत्रेक्षणौ having eyes like lotus petals, वीरौ warriors, जटामण्डलधारिणौ with matted hair, अन्योन्यसदृशौ resembling each other, देवलोकात् from the world of gods, आगतौ have come here, वीरौ heroes, यदृच्छया incidentally, वसुन्धराम् to the earth, सम्प्राप्तौ come, चन्द्रसूर्याविव like Sun and Moon, विशालवक्षसौ broadchested, वीरौ warriors, देवरूपिणौ resembling gods, मानुषौ men, सिंहस्कन्धौ having shoulders like that of a lion, महोत्साहौ very energetic, समदौ majestic, गोवृषौ इव bullslike

'Both of you appear alike, with eyes like lotus petals and locks of matted hair. You look like heroes descending from the world of the gods. You look like the Sun and the Moon dropped incidentally on this earth. With shoulders like those of a lion and the majesty of energetic bulls, you broadchested warriors appear like divine beings, though in fact humans.
आयताश्च सुवृत्ताश्च बाहवः परिघोपमाः।

सर्वभूषणभूषार्हाः किमर्थं न विभूषिताः4.3.14।।

आयताश्च long, सुवृत्ताश्च wellrounded, परिघोपमाः like the iron clubs, सर्वभूषणभूषार्हाः worthy of all ornaments, बाहवः shoulders, किमर्थम् why is it, न विभूषिताः not bedecked.

'Your long arms and spherelike shoulders appear as strong as iron clubs. Although they deserve to be decked with ornaments, how is it they are unadorned?
उभौ योग्यावहं मन्ये रक्षितुं पृथिवीमिमाम्।

ससागरवनां कृत्स्नां विन्ध्यमेरुविभूषिताम्4.3.15।।

उभौ both, अहम् I, इमाम् this, ससागरवनाम् with seas and forests, विन्ध्यमेरुविभूषिताम् adorned with mountains of Vindhya and Meru, कृत्स्नाम् entire, पृथिवीम् earth, रक्षितुम् to rule, योग्यौ fit, मन्ये I think

'To me, you both deserve to rule the entire earth encompassed by seas and forests and adorned with mountains like Vindhya and Meru.
इमे च धनुषी चित्रे श्लष्णे चित्रानुलेपने।

प्रकाशेते यथेन्द्रस्य वज्रे हेमविभूषिते4.3.16।।

चित्रे wonderful, श्लक्ष्णे attractive ones, चित्रानुलेपने smeared with wonderful unguents, इमे धनुषी च both these bows too, इन्द्रस्य Indra's, हेमविभूषिते decorated with gold, वज्रे यथा like thunderbolt, प्रकाशेते glow

'Smeared with wonderful unguents, (your) bows look very attractive. And they glow very much like Indra's golden thunderbolt.
सम्पूर्णा निशितैर्बाणै स्तूणाश्च शुभदर्शनाः4.3.17।।

जीवितान्तकरैर्घोरै श्श्वसद्भिरिव पन्नगैः।।

शुभदर्सनाः beautiful to look at, तूणाश्च quivers also, जीवितान्तकरैः those which can put an end to life, घोरैः with terrible, श्श्वसद्भिरिव like hissing, पन्नगैरिव snakes, बाणैः with arrows, सम्पूर्णाश्च totally filled with

'(Your) quivers also appear beautiful, for they are fully filled with sharp and deadly arrows which look like the hissing of dreadful snakes
महाप्रमाणौ विस्तीर्णौ तप्तहाटकभूषितौ4.3.18।।

खडगावेतौ विराजेते निर्मुक्ताविवपन्नगौ।।

महाप्रमाणौ of huge size, विस्तीर्णौ long and broad, तप्तहाटकभूषितौ encrusted with shining pure gold, एतौ these two, खडगौ swords, निर्मुक्ताविव पन्नगौ like the snakes that have shed their sloughs, विराजेते shine

'(Your) long and broad swords appear very huge in size. Being encrusted with pure gold, they glitter brilliant like snakes in hyberation.
एवं मां परिभाषन्तं कस्माद्वै नाभिभाषथः4.3.19।।

सुग्रीवो नाम धर्मात्मा कश्चिद्वानरयूथपः।

वीरो विनिकृतो भ्रात्रा जगद्भ्रमति दुःखितः4.3.20।।

एवम् in that way, परिभाषन्तम् talking to you, माम् to me, कस्मात् why, नाभिभाषथः not replying, सुग्रीवो नाम Sugriva by name, वीरः warrior, धर्मात्मा righteous, कश्चित् some one, वानरयूथपः chief of monkeys, भ्रात्रा by brother, विनिकृतः is aggrieved, दुःखितः grieved, जगत् world over, स भ्रमति roaming about

'Why are you silent while I am talking? (I am here to apprise ) about a great and righteous warrior Sugriva, the chief of the troop of monkeys, sadly wandering all over the land here, banished by his brother
प्राप्तोऽहं प्रेषितस्तेन सुग्रीवेण महात्मना।

राज्ञा वानरमुख्यानां हनुमान्नाम वानरः4.3.21।।

महात्मना by the great, वानरमुख्यानाम् best of monkeys, राज्ञा by the king, तेन सुग्रीवेण by such Sugriva, प्रेषितः I am sent, प्राप्तः came here, अहम् I, हनुमान्नाम Hanuman, वानरः monkey

'I am a monkey called Hanuman. I am here sent by great king Sugriva, the best of monkeys.
युवाभ्यां सह धर्मात्मा सुग्रीवस्सख्यमिच्छति।

तस्य मां सचिवं वित्तं वानरं पवनात्मजम्4.3.22।।

भिक्षुरूपप्रतिच्छन्नं सुग्रीवप्रियकाम्यया।

ऋष्यमूकादिह प्राप्तं कामगं कामरूपिणम्4.3.23।।

धर्मात्मा righteous , सः सुग्रीवः that Sugriva, युवाभ्याम् with you both, सख्यम friendship, इच्छति desires, माम् myself, सुग्रीवप्रियकाम्यया for the wellbeing of Sugriva, भिक्षुरूपप्रतिच्छन्नम् disguised like a mendicant, तस्य his, सचिवम् minister, ऋष्यमूकात् from Rishyamuka, इह here, प्राप्तम् reached, कामगम् can go whereever I desire, कामरूपिणम् can assume whatever form I desire, पवनात्मजम् son of the windgod, वानरम् monkey, वित्तम् you may know

'The righteous Sugriva wishes to make friendship with both of you. For his wellbeing I came here disguised as a mendicant from Rishyamuka mountain. I am a monkey, son of the Windgod and minister to Sugriva. I can assume any form at my free will and go anywhere I like'.
एवमुक्त्वा तु हनुमांस्तौ वीरौ रामलक्ष्मणौ।

वाक्यज्ञौ वाक्यकुशलः पुनर्नोवाच किञ्चन4.3.24।।

वाक्यज्ञौ good at speaking, वाक्यकुशलः eloguent, हनुमान् Hanuman, वीरौ two heroes, तौ both, रामलक्ष्मणौ Rama and Lakshmana, एवम् in that way, उक्त्वा having said, पुनः again, किञ्चन anything more, नोवाच did not speak

The eloquent Hanuman, having spoken thus to both Rama and Lakshmana, good at speaking, said no more.
एतच्छ्रुत्वा वचन्तस्य रामो लक्ष्मणमब्रवीत्।

प्रहृष्टवदनश्श्रीमान्भ्रातरं पार्श्वतः स्थितम्4.3.25।।

श्रीमान् Illustrious, रामः Rama, तस्य his, एतत् all that, वचः words, श्रुत्वा having heard, प्रहृष्टवदनः with cheerful face, पार्श्वतः nearby, स्थितम् stood, भ्रातरम् brother, लक्ष्मणम् to Lakshmana, अब्रवीत् said.

Having heard him, the Illustrious Rama cheerfully said to brother Lakshmana standing nearby:
सचिवोऽयं कपीन्द्रस्य सुग्रीवस्य महात्मनः।

तमेव काङ्क्षमाणस्य ममान्तिकमुपागतः4.3.26।।

कपीन्द्रस्य of the lord of monkeys, महात्मनः of great self, सुग्रीवस्य Sugriva's, सचिवः minister, अयम् this, तमेव him only, काङ्क्षमाणस्य as I wish to see, मम to me, समीपम् near by, इह here, आगतः has come

'Here is minister to Sugriva, the great chief of monkeys whom I wish to see.
तमभ्यभाष सौमित्रे सुग्रीवसचिवं कपिम्।

वाक्यज्ञं मधुरैर्वाक्यैस्स्नेहयुक्तमरिन्दम।।4.3.27।।

सौमित्रे O Saumitri, वाक्यज्ञम् knows how to talk, स्नेहयुक्तम् in a friendly way, अरिन्दमम् conqueror of enemies, सुग्रीवसचिवम् Sugriva's minister, तं कपिम् this monkey, मधुरैः pleasant, वाक्यैः words, अभिभाषस्व reply well .

'O Saumitri, conqueror of enemies this monkey, Sugriva's minister, is skilled in friendly communication. Reply to him in words gentle and sweet.
नानृग्वेदविनीतस्य नायजुर्वेद्धारिणः।

नासामवेदविदुषश्शक्यमेवं विभाषितुम्4.3.28।।

अनृग्वेदविदुषः not trained in Rigveda, एवम् in that way, भाषितुम् to talk, न शक्यम् not possible, अयजुर्वेद्धारिणः not a scholar in Yajurveda, न not, असामवेदविदुषः not a scholar in Samaveda, न not

'Unless wellversed in Rigveda, Yajurveda and Samaveda, for sure, it is not possible for anyone to articulate so well.
नूनं व्याकरणं कृत्स्नमनेन बहुधा श्रुतम्।

बहु व्याहरताऽनेन न किञ्चिदपशब्दितम्4.3.29।।

नूनम् surely, अनेन by him, कृत्स्नम् entire, व्याकरणम् grammar, बहुधा in many ways, श्रुतम् studied, बहु much, व्याहरता spoken, अनेन by him, किञ्चित् even a little, अपशब्दितम् wrong pronunciation

'Surely, he seems to have studied well the whole of grammar, for there is not a single mispronunciation in his entire speech.

न मुखे नेत्रयोर्वापि ललाटे च भ्रुवोस्तथा।

अन्येष्वपि च गात्रेषु दोषस्संविदितः क्वचित्4.3.30।।

मुखे in his face, नेत्रयोर्वापि in the eyes or, ललाटे on the forehead, तथा likewise, भ्रुवो between the eyebrows, अन्येष्वपि च or anywhere, गात्रेषु parts of body, क्वचित् even a little, दोषः fault, न संविदितः not found

No fault can be found in his face, eyes, forehead, between the eyebrows or any other part of his body (during his expression).


उरस्थं कण्ठगं वाक्यं वर्तते मध्यमे स्वरे4.3.31।।

वाक्यम् sentences, अविस्तरम् not too elaborate, असन्दिग्धम् not ambiguous, अविलम्भितम् not dragging, अद्रुतम् not fast, उरस्थम् raised in his chest, कण्ठगम् from the throat, मध्यमे medium, स्वरे tone

His sentences are not too elaborate, not ambiguous, not dragging, not fast, raised in the chest or throat, in a medium tone.


उच्चारयति कल्याणीं वाचं हृदयहारिणीम्4.3.32।।

संस्कारक्रमसम्पन्नाम् refined, अद्रुताम् not too fast, अविलम्बिताम् not too slow, कल्याणीम् auspicious, हृदयहारिणीम् captivating the heart, वाचम् language, उच्चारयति speaks

'His words are auspicious. They are refined. Neither fast nor slow, his utterances captivate the heart.
अनया चित्रया वाचा त्रिस्थानव्यञ्जनस्थया।

कस्य नाराध्यते चित्तमुद्यतासेररेरपि4.3.33।।

त्रिस्थानव्यञ्जनस्थया delivered from the bottom of his chest, throat and head, चित्रया with a wonderful, अनया by this, वाचा by words, उद्यतासेः holding a sword, अरेरपि of even an enemy, कस्य whose, चित्तम् mind, नाराध्यते will not be pleased?

'His colourful words flow from all the three sources: the bottom of his bosom, his throat and his head. Whose mind will not adore them even if one happens to be an enemy holding a sword?
एवं विधो यस्य दूतो न भवेत्पार्थिवस्य तु।

सिद्ध्यन्ति हि कथं तस्य कार्याणां गतियोऽनघ4.3.34।।

अनघ sinless, यस्य whosoever, पार्थिवस्य of a king, दूतः ambassador, एवंविधः in that way, न भवेत् not being, तस्य his, गतयः in the past, कथम् how, सिध्यन्ति would have accomplished

'O sinless one, how can a king, whoever he be, not accomplish his goal in the past with such an ambassador?

एवं गुणगणैर्युक्ता यस्य स्युः कार्यसाधकाः।

तस्य सिध्यन्ति सर्वाऽर्था दूतवाक्यप्रचोदिताः4.3.35।।

यस्य whosoever, एवं गुणगणैः such qualities, युक्ताः are endowed, कार्यसाधकाः who can accomplish tasks, स्युः they may be, तस्य his, सर्वे all, आर्थाः objects, दूतवाक्यप्रचोदिताः guided by the ambassador's skill of speaking, सिध्यन्ति will be achieved.

Whoever has such great taskmasters of great qualities as their envoys, can have all their goals accomplished, driven by their diplomatic skills. 

एवमुक्तस्तु सौमित्रिस्सुग्रीवसचिवं कपिम्।

अभ्यभाषत वाक्यज्ञो वाक्यज्ञं पवनात्मजम्4.3.36।।

एवम् in that way, उक्तः having been instructed, वाक्यज्ञः skilled in speech, सौमित्रिः Saumitri, वाक्यज्ञम् good at speaking, पवनात्मजम् son of the windgod, सुग्रीवसचिवम् minister of Sugriva, कपिम् monkey, अभ्यभाषत replied

Thus instructed, Saumitri who was equally skilled in speach replied to Sugriva's minister, son of the Windgod
विदितौ नौ गुणा विद्वंत्सुग्रीवस्य महात्मनः।

तमेव चाऽवां मार्गावस्सुग्रीवं प्लवगेश्वरम्4.3.37।।

विद्वन् learned, महात्मनः great, सुग्रीवस्य Sugriva's, गुणाः virtues, नौ for both of us, विदितौ are known, अवाम् both of us, ल्पवगेश्वरम् lord of monkeys, तमेव him only, मार्गावः are looking for

'O learned Hanuman having heard about the virtues of great Sugriva, lord of the monkeys, we eagerly look forward to meeting him
यथा ब्रवीषि हनुमान्सुग्रीववचनादिह।

तत्तथा हि करिष्यावो वचनात्तव सत्तम4.3.38।।

सत्तम O virtuous one, हनुमन् Hanuman, इह here, सुग्रीववचनात् by Sugriva's words, यथा those, ब्रवीषि you speak, तत् that, तव your, वचनात् words, तथा so also, करिष्यावः we will do

'O virtuous Hanuman we will do whatever you are saying, for it is the message of Sugriva.
तत्तस्य वाक्यं निपुणं निशम्य

प्रहृष्टरूपः पवनात्मजः कपिः।

मनस्समाधाय जयोपपत्तौ

सख्यं तदा कर्तुमियेष ताभ्याम्4.3.39।।

पवनात्मजः Hanuman, कपिः monkey, तस्य his, निपुणम् skilful, तत् वाक्यम् those words, निशम्य listening, प्रहृष्टरूपः pleased countenance, जयोपपत्तौ on the success, मनः mind, समाधाय fixed, तदा then, ताभ्याम् with both of them, सख्यम् friendship, कर्तुम् to make, इयेष wishes

Pleased with Lakshmana's words spoken in a skilful manner, Hanuman, the monkey son of the Windgod, resolved to make friendship with them.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे तृतीयस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the third sarga of Kishkindakanda of the Holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.