
[Rama advises Bharata to return back and rule the kingdom.]

पुनरेवं ब्रुवाणं तं भरतं लक्ष्मणाग्रजः।

प्रत्युवाच तत श्श्रीमान् ज्ञातिमध्येऽभिसत्कृतः।।2.107.1।।


ततः then, श्रीमान् prosperous, अभिसत्कृतः wellhonoured, लक्ष्मणाग्रजः Lakshmana's elder brother, ज्ञातिमध्ये amidst his relatives, पुनः again, एवम् thus, ब्रुवाणम् speaking, भरतम् to Bharata, प्रत्युवाच replied.

Wellhonoured in the midst of relatives, the celebrated Rama, elder brother of Lakshmana, then said to Bharata who was going to speak again.