
किन्नु मे यदि वा स्वप्नश्चित्तमोहोऽपि वा मम।

अनुभूतोपसर्गो वा मनसो वाप्युपद्रवः।।2.12.2।।


मे my, स्वप्नः किं नु is this a dream?, यदि वा or, मम my, चित्तमोहोऽपि वा or hallucination of the mind?, अनुभूतोपसर्गो वा or some foreboding of evil I am going to experience , मनसः mind's, उपद्रवः वा or a malady.

' Is this a dream? Or a hallucination of the mind? Or some foreboding evil I am going to experience or a malady of my mind'? (wondered Dasaratha)