
[Sugriva roars at Vali --- Rama encourages him to challenge Vali, himself hiding behind the tree.]

sarvē tē tvaritaṅ gatvā kiṣkindhāṅ vāli pālitām.

vṛkṣairātmānamāvṛtya vyatiṣṭhan gahanē vanē4.14.1৷৷


sarvē tē all of them, tvaritaṅ at once, gatvā went vāli pālitām ruled by Vali, kiṣkindhāṅ Kishkinda, vṛkṣairātmānamāvṛtya hiding behind the trees, gahanē vanē in the dense forest, vyatiṣṭhan waited

They all at once went to Kishkinda ruled by Vali and there waited hiding behind the trees in the dense forest.