
[Rama and Lakshmana reach Prasravana mountain --- description of the mountain cave where Rama and Lakshmana dwelt]

abhiṣiktē tu sugrīvē praviṣṭē vānarē guhām.

ājagāma saha bhrātrā rāmaḥ prasravaṇaṅ girim4.27.1৷৷


abhiṣiktē after consecration, vānarē the money, sugrīvē Sugriva, guhām cave, praviṣṭē entered, rāmaḥ Rama, bhrātrā saha accompanied by his brother, prasravaṇaṅ girim Prasravana mountain, ājagāma arrived.

After the consecration, Sugriva entered the cave-city (of Kishkinda) and Rama accompanied by his brother reached mountain Prasravana.